The introduction into the natural environment of any substance or form of energy outside the limits applicable to the activity that is subject to an authorization, including spills. Notes: Excerpted from section 1.(1) of the Regulations.
Source: Environmental Protection Plan Guidelines, The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, and National Energy Board, Canada, March 31, 2011. Regulatory Guidance
Pollution is the introduction into the environment of substances or effects that are potentially harmful or interfere with man’s use of his environment or interfere with species or habitats.
Source: International Association of Drilling Contractors, Appendix 2 to Health, Safety and Environment Case Guidelines for Offshore Drilling Contractors, Issue 3.3.2, February 2010. IADC Guidelines
POLLUTION means man-made or man-induced contamination or other degradation of the physical, chemical, biological, or radiological integrity of air, water, soil, or biological resource.
Source: Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Practice and Procedure, Code of Colorado Regulations, 2 CCR 404-1, February 2013. Regulations
“Pollution” means the introduction into the natural environment of any substance or form of energy outside the limits applicable to the activity that is subject to an authorization, including spills (pollution).
Source: Canada Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Regulations, SOR/2009-315, February 2013. Regulations
Source: Drilling and Production Guidelines, The Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board and Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, Canada, March 31, 2011. Regulatory Guidance
Source: Offshore Waste Treatment Guidelines, The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, and National Energy Board, Canada, December 15, 2010. Regulatory Guidance
Source: Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Drilling and Production Regulations, SOR/2009-317, Canada, current to May 31, 2012. Regulations
“Pollution” means the contamination of fresh water or soil, either surface or subsurface, by salt water, mineral brines, waste oil, oil, gas, and/or other deleterious substances produced from or obtained or used in connection with the drilling, development, producing, refining, transporting, or processing of oil or gas within the State of Oklahoma).
Source: Corporation Commission, Oil and Gas Conservation, Oklahoma Administrative Code 165:10, February 2013. Regulations
The alteration of the physical, chemical, or biological quality of, or the contamination of, water that makes it harmful, detrimental, or injurious to humans, animal life, vegetation or property or to public health, safety, or welfare, or impairs the usefulness or the public enjoyment of the water for any lawful or reasonable purpose.
Source: Oil and Gas Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 3, February 2013. Regulations
Pollution in chemicals as mentioned in the fifth subsection means, for example, heavy metals in weight materials. Large amounts in this case mean volumes greater than 1000 m3 of water.
Source: Guidelines Regarding the Activities Regulations, Norway, updated December 2012. Regulatory Guidance