
Production Pits

PRODUCTION PITS shall mean those pits used after drilling operations and initial completion of a well, including pits at natural gas gathering, processing and storage facilities, which constitute:


Skimming/Settling Pits
SKIMMING/SETTLING PITS used to provide retention time for settling of solids and separation of residual oil for the purposes of recovering the oil or fluid.

Produced Water Pits
PRODUCED WATER PITS used to temporarily store produced water prior to injection for enhanced recovery or disposal, off-site transport, or surface-water discharge.

Percolation Pits
PERCOLATION PITS used to dispose of produced water by percolation and evaporation through the bottom or sides of the pits into surrounding soils.

Evaporation Pits
EVAPORATION PITS used to contain produced waters which evaporate into the atmosphere by natural thermal forces.

Source: Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Practice and Procedure, Code of Colorado Regulations, 2 CCR 404-1, February 2013. Regulations


Production Pits

Production Pits―either earthen or lined storage pits for collecting E and P Waste sediment periodically cleaned from tanks and other producing facilities, for storage of produced water or other exploration and production wastes produced from the operation of oil and gas facilities, or used in conjunction with hydrocarbon storage and solution mining operations as follows.

  1. Burn Pits―earthen pits intended for use as a place to temporarily store and periodically burn exploration and production waste (excluding produced water) collected from tanks and facilities.
  2.  Compressor Station Pits―lined or earthen pits intended for temporary storage or disposal of fresh water condensed from natural gas at a gas pipeline drip or gas compressor station.
  3.  Natural Gas Processing Plant Pits―lined or earthen pits used for the storage of process waters or stormwater runoff. No produced water may be stored in a natural gas processing plant pit.
  4. Produced Water Pits―lined or earthen pit used for storing produced water and other exploration and production wastes, hydrocarbon storage brine, or mining water.
  5. Washout Pits―lined earthen pits used to collect wash water generated by the cleaning of vacuum truck tanks and other vessels and equipment only used to transport exploration and production waste. Any materials other than E and P Waste are prohibited from being placed in such pits.
  6. Well Test Pits―small earthen pits intended for use to periodically test or clean up a well.
  7. Emergency Pits―lined or earthen pits used to periodically collect produced water and other E and P Waste fluids only during emergency incidents, rupture or failure of other facilities.
  8. Onshore Terminal Pits―lined or earthen pits located in the coastal area used for storing produced water at terminals that receive crude oil and entrained water by pipeline from offshore oil and gas production facilities.
  9. Salt Dome Cavern Pits―lined or earthen pits located in the coastal area associated with the storage of petroleum products and petroleum in salt dome caverns.

Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations

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