
Check Valve

Valve that permits fluid to flow freely in one direction and contains a mechanism to automatically prevent flow in the other direction.

Source: API SPEC 6A, Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment, Twentieth Edition, October 2010 (Addendum November 2012). Global Standards


Check Valve

A valve that allows flow through it in one direction only.

Source: API SPEC 16D, Specification for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems for Diverter Equipment, Upstream Segment, Second Edition, July 2004. Global Standards


Check Valve

Device designed to prevent flow in one direction.

Source: API SPEC 17D, Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems—Subsea Wellhead and Tree Equipment, Upstream Segment, Second Edition May 2011 (Errata September 2011). Global Standards


Check Valve

A valve that allows flow in one direction only.

Source: API SPEC 17D, Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems—Subsea Wellhead and Tree Equipment, Upstream Segment, Second Edition May 2011 (Errata September 2011). Global Standards

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