
Task Analysis

Task analysis enables the systematic examination of all occupations and tasks to establish the effectiveness of work procedures and practices and to identify hazards associated with any of the sequential steps. The process involves:
• Inventory of the tasks.
• Identify the critical tasks and concentrate on these. Consider such factors as:
— the severity of the potential losses;
— the frequency with which the task is performed;
— the probability of loss when the task is performed.
• Break down the work into significant steps or critical activities.
• Identify what could go wrong. Consider people, equipment, materials, environment.
• Is it being done the best way? Consider cost, production, quality and safety.
• Develop controls: specific actions and precautions to prevent loss from occurring.
• Write down the procedure: a step-by-step description of how to proceed, what to do, why, in a simple, easy-to-follow format or practice.
• Put to work task instruction, skill training, etc. Documentation and followup of progress is important. Two basic approaches are:
— analysis by observation and discussion;
Ñ    analysis by discussion alone.

Source: Approved Code of Practice for Managing Hazards to Prevent Major Industrial Accidents, Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, Department of Labour, New Zealand, July 1994. Regulatory Guidance

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