Interpretative survey data
Interpretative survey data means each type of data mentioned in an item in Schedule 5:
- presented on a medium and in a format specified in the item; or
- presented on another medium or in another format that the Titles Administrator has authorised the titleholder to use.
Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Resource Management and Administration) Regulations 2011 (Select Legislative Instrument 2011 No. 54 as amended), Australia, prepared on 1 January 2012. Regulations
Interpretative survey data
Interpretative survey data means each type of data mentioned in an item in Schedule 5:
- presented on a medium and in a format specified in the item; or
- presented on another medium or in another format that the Titles Administrator has authorised the greenhouse gas titleholder to use.
Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Resource Management and Administration) Regulations 2011 (Select Legislative Instrument 2011 No. 54 as amended), Australia, prepared on 1 January 2012. Regulations