

To convert enciphered text to plain text by means of a cryptographic system.

From: CNSSI 4009.

Source: NICCS™ Portal Cybersecurity Lexicon, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies ( as of 11 November 2015, Global Standards



To convert encoded text to plain text by means of a code.

From: CNSSI 4009.

Source: NICCS™ Portal Cybersecurity Lexicon, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies ( as of 11 November 2015, Global Standards



A generic term encompassing decode and decipher.


From: CNSSI 4009.

Source: NICCS™ Portal Cybersecurity Lexicon, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies ( as of 11 November 2015, Global Standards



The process of transforming ciphertext into its original plaintext.

Extended Definition: The process of converting encrypted data back into its original form, so it can be understood.

Adapted from: ICAM SAML 2.0 WB SSO Profile 1.0.2

Source: NICCS™ Portal Cybersecurity Lexicon, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies ( as of 11 November 2015, Global Standards

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