
Digital Signature

A value computed with a cryptographic process using a private key and then appended to a data object, thereby digitally signing the data.

Adapted from: CNSSI 4009, IETF RFC 2828, ICAM SAML 2.0 WB SSO Profile 1.0.2, InCommon Glossary, NIST SP 800-63 Rev 1.

Source: NICCS™ Portal Cybersecurity Lexicon, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies ( as of 11 November 2015, Global Standards


Digital Signature

Result of a cryptographic transformation of data which, when properly implemented, provides the services of origin authentication, data integrity, and signer non-repudiation [12].

Source: ANSI/ISA–99.00.01–2007, Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems, Part 1: Terminology, Concepts, and Models, 29 October 2007. National Standard

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