
Exempted Aquifer

“Exempted aquifer” means an aquifer or its portion that meets the criteria in the definition of “underground source of drinking water” or in the definition of “treatable water”, but which has been exempted according to the procedures in 165:5-7-28 and 165:10-5-14.

Source: Corporation Commission, Oil and Gas Conservation, Oklahoma Administrative Code 165:10, February 2013. Regulations

Exempted Aquifer

“Exempted aquifer” means an aquifer that does not currently serve as a source of drinking water, and that cannot now and will not in the foreseeable future serve as a source of drinking water because:

  1. it is hydrocarbon producing;
  2. it is situated at a depth or location that makes the recovery of water for drinking water purposes economically or technologically impractical; or
  3. it is so contaminated that it would be economically or technologically impractical to render that water fit for human consumption.

Source: Oil and Gas, New Mexico Administrative Code Title 19, Chapter 15, January 2013. Regulations


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