

Ability of the piping system to perform its primary purpose, i.e. to deliver a minimum quantity of fluid at a specified minimum pressure.

Source: ISO 14692-1:2017, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping — Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials, Second Edition, August 2017. Global Standards


Operation of a product during service.

Source: API SPEC 6A, Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment, Twentieth Edition, October 2010 (Addendum November 2012). Global Standards

Source: API SPEC 14A, Specification for Subsurface Safety Valve Equipment, Eleventh Edition, October 2005 (Reaffirmed June 2012). Global Standards



Functions also mean safety functions, cf. Section 2 of the Facilities Regulations. For these functions, the requirement relating to maintenance entails that performance shall be ensured at all times, cf. Section 8 of the Facilities Regulations.

Source: Guidelines Regarding the Activities Regulations, Norway, updated December 2012. Regulatory Guidance



Functions also mean safety functions, cf. Section 3. For these functions, the requirement relating to maintenance entails that performance shall be ensured at all times, cf. Section 10.

Source: Guidelines Regarding the Technical and Operational Regulations, Norway, updated December 2012. Regulatory Guidance


Function (of NOPSEMA)

One of the functions given to NOPSEMA by the Act.

Source: NOPSEMA Guideline – Glossary – Regulatory Operations, N-09000-GL0326, Australia, Revision 5, December 2011. Regulatory Guidance 



Service, process, capability, or operation performed by an entity, asset, system, network, or geographic area

Sample Usage: A primary function of the aviation industry is the transportation of people and cargo over long distances.

Source: DHS Risk Lexicon, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2010 Edition. September 2010 Regulatory Guidance



Operation of a BOP, choke or kill valve or other component, in one direction (example, closing the blind rams is a function, opening the blind rams is a separate function).

Source: API SPEC 16D, Specification for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems for Diverter Equipment, Upstream Segment, Second Edition, July 2004. Global Standards



The operation of a product during service.

Source: API SPEC 16C, Specification for Choke and Kill Systems, First Edition, January 1993 (Reaffirmed 2001). Global Standards

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