
Giving the Right Notification

Giving the right notification as mentioned in litera a, means notifying, inter alia,
a) the facility’s central control room or other central function,
b) the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre
c) one or more parts of the operator’s emergency preparedness organisation,
d) the contractors’ emergency preparedness organisations,
e) other licensees and partners in the event of an agreement relating to coordinated emergency preparedness resources, or in the event of joint use of production and/or transport systems.

Source: Guidelines Regarding the Activities Regulations, Norway, updated December 2012. Regulatory Guidance


Giving the Right Notification

Giving the right notification as mentioned in litera a, means notifying, inter alia,
a) the onshore facility’s central control room or another central function,
b) one or more levels of the operator’s emergency preparedness organisation,
c) the contractors’ emergency preparedness organisations,
d) other licensees, owners and contractual partners if there is an agreement relating to coordinated emergency preparedness resources or in joint use of production and/or transport systems.

Source: Guidelines Regarding the Technical and Operational Regulations, Norway, updated December 2012. Regulatory Guidance

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