Interpreted Geophysical Information

Interpreted Geophysical Information


Interpreted geophysical information:

Interpreted geophysical information means geophysical knowledge, often in the form of schematic cross sections, 3-dimensional representations, and maps, developed by determining the geological significance of geophysical data and analyzed geophysical information. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
Interpreted Geological Information

Interpreted Geological Information


Interpreted geological information:

Interpreted geological information means geological knowledge, often in the form of schematic cross sections, 3-dimensional representations, and maps, developed by determining the geological significance of data and analyzed geological information.1  


1. Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
Human Environment

Human Environment


Human environment:

Human environment means the physical, social, and economic components, conditions, and factors that interactively determine the state, condition, and quality of living conditions, employment, and health of those affected, directly or indirectly, by activities occurring on the OCS.1  


1. Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
H2S Unknown

H2S Unknown


H2S unknown:

H2S unknown means the designation of a zone or geologic formation where neither the presence nor absence of H2S has been confirmed. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
H2S Present

H2S Present


H2S present:

H2S present means drilling, logging, coring, testing, or producing operations have confirmed the presence of H2S in concentrations and volumes that could potentially result in atmospheric concentrations of 20 ppm or more of H2S. H2S present means that drilling, logging, coring, testing, or producing operations have confirmed the presence of H2S in concentrations and volumes that could potentially result in atmospheric concentrations of 20 ppm or more of H2S. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
H2S Absent

H2S Absent


H2S absent:

H2S absent means:
  1. Drilling, logging, coring, testing, or producing operations have confirmed the absence of H2S in concentrations that could potentially result in atmospheric concentrations of 20 ppm or more of H2S; or
  2. Drilling in the surrounding areas and correlation of geological and seismic data with equivalent stratigraphic units have confirmed an absence of H2S throughout the area to be drilled.
Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations




Governor means the Governor of a State, or the person or entity designated by, or under, State law to exercise the powers granted to such Governor under the Act. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Explorations

Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Explorations


Geological and geophysical (G&G) explorations:

Geological and geophysical (G&G) explorations mean those G&G surveys on your lease or unit that use seismic reflection, seismic refraction, magnetic, gravity, gas sniffers, coring, or other systems to detect or imply the presence of oil, gas, or sulphur in commercial quantities. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
Gas-well Completion

Gas-well Completion


Gas-well completion:

Gas-well completion means a well completed in a gas reservoir or in the associated gas-cap of an oil reservoir. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
Gas Reservoir

Gas Reservoir


Gas reservoir:

Gas reservoir means a reservoir that contains hydrocarbons predominantly in a gaseous (single-phase) state. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations




Flaring means the burning of natural gas as it is released into the atmosphere. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations




Installation, plant and other equipment for petroleum activities, however not supply and support vessels or ships that transport petroleum in bulk. Facility also comprises pipeline and cable unless otherwise provided. Source: Act 29 November 1996 No. 72 Relating to Petroleum Activities, Norway, amended June 2011. Legislation Source: Regulations relating to health, safety and the environment in the petroleum activities and at certain onshore facilities (the Framework Regulations), Norway, February 2010 (amended December 2011). Regulations  


Ships used for stationary drilling are regarded as a facility. Ships used for storage of petroleum in conjunction with production facilities are regarded as part of the facility. The same applies to ships for transport of petroleum during the time when loading from the facility takes place. Source: Act 29 November 1996 No. 72 Relating to Petroleum Activities, Norway, amended June 2011. Legislation


Any artificial island, installation, or other device permanently or temporarily attached to the subsoil or seabed of offshore locations, erected for the purpose of exploring for, developing, or producing oil, natural gas or mineral resources. This definition includes mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs), but does not include pipelines or deepwater ports. Source: API RP 70, Security for Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Operations, Downstream Segment, First Edition, March 2003. Global Standards  


Any artificial island, installation, or other device permanently or temporarily attached to the subsoil or seabed of offshore locations, erected for the purpose of exploring for, developing, or producing oil, natural gas or mineral resources. This definition includes mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs). Source: API RP 70I, Security for Worldwide Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Operations, Upstream Segment, First Edition, May 2004. Global Standards  


Wells, structures, living quarters, drilling and workover packages, process equipment, utilities, pipelines, and mobile offshore units (except as noted in Source: API RP 75, Recommended Practice for Development of a Safety and Environmental Management Program for Offshore Operations and Facilities: Upstream Segment, Third Edition, May 2004. Global Standards  


A facility comprises the buildings, containers, and equipment that could reasonably be expected to participate in a catastrophic release as a result of their being physically interconnected or of their proximity and in which dangerous substances are used, stored, manufactured, handled, or moved. Source: API RP 750, Management of Process Hazards, First Edition, January 1990. Global Standards  


"Facility" means, for the purposes of 165:10-21-15, any building(s), parts of a building, equipment, property, or vehicles that are actively engaged in the reuse, recycling, or ultimate destruction of deleterious substances pursuant to 68 O.S. Supp. 1986, §2357.14-§2357.20. Source: Corporation Commission, Oil and Gas Conservation, Oklahoma Administrative Code 165:10, February 2013. Regulations  


Part or all of a tangible asset that comprises single or multiple-engineered structures and equipment to execute an activity at a specific location. Source: IOGP Report No. 510, Operating Management System Framework for controlling risk and delivering high performance in the oil and gas industry, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, June 2014. Global Standards  


“Facility” means a structure, installation, operation, storage tank, transmission line, access road, motor vehicle, rolling stock or activity of any kind, whether stationary or mobile. Source: Oil and Gas, New Mexico Administrative Code Title 19, Chapter 15, January 2013. Regulations  


All contiguous land, including structures, other appurtenances, and improvements on the land, used for recycling, reclaiming, treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste. A facility may consist of several treatment, storage, or disposal operational units (e.g., one or more landfills, surface impoundments, or combinations thereof). Source: Oil and Gas Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 3, February 2013. Regulations  


Facility means:
  1. As used in § 250.130, all installations permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed on the OCS (including manmade islands and bottom-sitting structures). They include mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs) or other vessels engaged in drilling or downhole operations, used for oil, gas or sulphur drilling, production, or related activities. They include all floating production systems (FPSs), variously described as column-stabilized-units (CSUs); floating production, storage and offloading facilities (FPSOs); tension-leg platforms (TLPs); spars, etc. They also include facilities for product measurement and royalty determination (e.g., lease Automatic Custody Transfer Units, gas meters) of OCS production on installations not on the OCS. Any group of OCS installations interconnected with walkways, or any group of installations that includes a central or primary installation with processing equipment and one or more satellite or secondary installations is a single facility. The Regional Supervisor may decide that the complexity of the individual installations justifies their classification as separate facilities.
  2. As used in 30 CFR 550.303, means all installations or devices permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed. They include mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs), even while operating in the “tender assist” mode ( i.e., with skid-off drilling units) or other vessels engaged in drilling or downhole operations. They are used for exploration, development, and production activities for oil, gas, or sulphur and emit or have the potential to emit any air pollutant from one or more sources. They include all floating production systems (FPSs), including column-stabilized-units (CSUs); floating production, storage and offloading facilities (FPSOs); tension-leg platforms (TLPs); spars, etc. During production, multiple installations or devices are a single facility if the installations or devices are at a single site. Any vessel used to transfer production from an offshore facility is part of the facility while it is physically attached to the facility.
  3. As used in § 250.490(b), means a vessel, a structure, or an artificial island used for drilling, well completion, well-workover, or production operations.
  4. As used in §§ 250.900 through 250.921, means all installations or devices permanently or temporarily attached to the seabed. They are used for exploration, development, and production activities for oil, gas, or sulphur and emit or have the potential to emit any air pollutant from one or more sources. They include all floating production systems (FPSs), including column-stabilized-units (CSUs); floating production, storage and offloading facilities (FPSOs); tension-leg platforms (TLPs); spars, etc. During production, multiple installations or devices are a single facility if the installations or devices are at a single site. Any vessel used to transfer production from an offshore facility is part of the facility while it is physically attached to the facility.
Facility means a vessel, a structure, or an artificial island used for drilling, well-completion, well-workover, and/or production operations. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  


Clause 3 of Schedule 3 to the OPGGSA indicates that a facility is a facility as defined by Schedule 3 Clause 4, and includes:
  • A facility being constructed or installed; and
  • An associated offshore place.
Clause 4 defines a facility as a vessel or structure (whether floating or fixed) whether or not it is capable of independent navigation, while the vessel or structure is located in Commonwealth waters and is being used, or is being prepared for use, at the site (Schedule 3, Clause 4) for the recovery, processing, storage, offloading of petroleum (Clause 4(1)(b)(i)). In accordance with Clause 4(4)(3), this includes:
  • any wells, associated plant, equipment by which petroleum processed or stored at the vessel or structure is recovered; and
  • any pipes from a well, or secondary lines associated with the facility.
Other activities that cause vessels or structures to be facilities include activity categories covered in Clause 4(1)(b)(ii)–(v), and include:
  • Accommodation for persons working on another facility;
  • Drilling or servicing a well for petroleum or work associated with drilling or servicing;
  • Laying pipes for petroleum, including any manufacturing of such pipes, or for doing work on an existing pipe; and
  • Erection, dismantling or decommissioning of a facility.
The definition of facility was chosen on the basis that it included vessels and structures that present a safety risk to a significant number of people because of the presence of hydrocarbons [Explanatory Memorandum]. Categories of activities cause relevant vessels or structures to be defined as facilities and the Clause 4 definition lists these activities. Clause 4(6) lists the following that are not facilities: off-take tankers; tugs or anchor handling vessels; vessels used for supplying facilities or for travelling to or from a facility; any vessel or structure declared by regulations not to be a facility. Clause 4(7) notes that a vessel or structure is considered a facility not only when it is being used for offshore petroleum activities, but from the time it arrives at the site where it is to be used, until it has ceased its operations and is in a navigable or other state that enables it to relocate from the site. The main objective of the facility definition is to specify the physical boundaries of the regulatory regime. Hardware is drawn into the regime based on the type of activity and a general duty of care and a safety case/PSMP obligation are imposed to ensure risks are reduced as low as reasonably practicable. Obligations if a vessel is a facility A vessel which is determined to be a facility is subject to obligations of Schedule 3 and applicable regulations (including the requirement to have a Safety Case covering the vessel and the activity). In general, a facility comprises:
  • Hardware: vessel or structure;
  • Activity: recovering petroleum;
  • Extension: wells, associated plant; and
  • Associated offshore place: place near facility where related activities occur.
Source: NOPSEMA Guideline: Facility definition includes an associated offshore place, N-01000-GL0253, Australia, Revision 4, December 2011. Regulatory Guidance  


Facility includes a structure or installation of any kind. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009 (Statutory Rules 1999 No. 228 as amended), Australia, prepared on 1 January 2012. Regulations  


Facility has the meaning given by clause 3 of Schedule 3 to the Act. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Safety) Regulations 2009 (Select Legislative Instrument 2009 No. 382 as amended), Australia, prepared on 1 January 2012. Regulations  


Vessels and structures that are not facilities For paragraph 4 (6) (d) of Schedule 3 of the Act, the vessels and structures in the following table are not facilities. Note Under paragraph 4 (6) (d) of Schedule 3 to the Act, a vessel or structure is taken not to be a facility for the purposes of this Schedule if the vessel or structure is a vessel or structure used for any purpose such that it is declared by the regulations not to be a facility.
  1. Vessel supporting a remotely-operated vehicle that is being used in connection with:
    1. inspection; or
    2. cleaning; or
    3. non-disturbing span rectification (for example, grout bagging); or
    4. the operation of a valve; or
    5. the recovery of debris; or
    6. valve control unit change out
  2. Vessel supporting a diving operation that relates to:
    1. inspection; or
    2. cleaning; or
    3. non-disturbing span rectification (for example, grout bagging); or
    4. the operation of a valve; or
    5. the recovery of debris; or
    6. valve control unit change out
  3. Vessel supporting a remotely-operated vehicle that is being
  4. used in connection with the removal of weight coating from a pipe before hydro-testing
  5. Vessel supporting a diving operation that relates to the removal of weight coating from a pipe before hydro-testing
  6. Vessel laying an umbilical or a cable
  7. Vessel:
    1. laying a clump weight anchor or mattress; or
    2. conducting rock dumping on a pipe during its construction (before hydro-testing)
  8. Vessel placing support structures or foundations on the sea bed for the purpose of a facility, including:
    1. foundation supports for a platform jacket, pipe end manifold or another manifold; or
    2. foundation piles
  9. Vessel undertaking pipe trenching and burial during the construction of a facility (before hydro-testing)
  10. Dumb barge that is “hipped-up” to a facility
  11. Vessel installing and attaching a short length flexible pipe or jumper if there is no petroleum or greenhouse gas substance contained in the pipe or equipment to which the flexible pipe or jumper is being connected
  12. Vessel placing a subsea pipe manifold or pipe end manifold during the construction of a facility (before hydro-testing)
  13. Vessel attaching a cathodic protection anode to a pipe if welding is not required.
Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Safety) Regulations 2009 (Select Legislative Instrument 2009 No. 382 as amended), Australia, prepared on 1 January 2012. Regulations  


Facility has the same meaning as in Schedule 3. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation  


  1. in relation to safety case levy imposed by section 7 of the Regulatory Levies Act—has the same meaning as in that section; or
  2. in relation to safety case levy imposed by section 8 of the Regulatory Levies Act—has the same meaning as in that section.
Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation  


Facility means:
  1. a facility (within the meaning of Schedule 3) located in Commonwealth waters; or
  2. if there are provisions of a State or Territory PSLA that substantially correspond to Schedule 3 to this Act to the extent to which that Schedule relates to offshore petroleum operations—a vessel, structure or other thing that:
    1. is located in the designated coastal waters of the State or of the Northern Territory, as the case may be; and
    2. would have been a facility (within the meaning of Schedule 3 to this Act) if subclauses 4(5A) to (5E) of that Schedule had not been enacted and the vessel, structure, or thing had been located in Commonwealth waters; or
  3. if there are provisions of a State or Territory PSLA that substantially correspond to Schedule 3 to this Act to the extent to which that Schedule relates to offshore greenhouse gas storage operations—a vessel, structure or other thing that:
    1. is located in the designated coastal waters of the State or of the Northern Territory, as the case may be; and
    2. would have been a facility (within the meaning of Schedule 3 to this Act) if subclauses 4(1) to (5) of that Schedule had not been enacted and the vessel, structure, or thing had been located in Commonwealth waters.
For the purposes of paragraphs (b) and (c), assume that a reference in Schedule 3 to this Act to a pipeline licence includes a reference to a pipeline licence under a State or Territory PSLA. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation  


Facility means a facility as defined by clause 4, and:
  1. includes a facility (as defined by clause 4) that is being constructed or installed; and
  2. except in the definition of associated offshore place, includes an associated offshore place in relation to a facility (as defined by clause 4).
Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation  


Vessels or structures that are facilities—offshore petroleum operations (1) A vessel or structure is taken to be a facility for the purposes of this Schedule while that vessel or structure:
  1. is located at a site in Commonwealth waters; and
  2. is being used, or prepared for use, at that site:
    1. for the recovery of petroleum, for the processing of petroleum, or for the storage and offloading of petroleum, or for any combination of those activities; or
    2. for the provision of accommodation for persons working on another facility, whether connected by a walkway to that other facility or not; or
    3. for drilling or servicing a well for petroleum or doing work associated with the drilling or servicing process; or
    4. for laying pipes for petroleum, including any manufacturing of such pipes, or for doing work on an existing pipe; or
    5. for the erection, dismantling or decommissioning of a vessel or structure referred to in a previous subparagraph of this paragraph; or
    6. for any other purpose related to offshore petroleum operations that is prescribed for the purposes of this subparagraph.
(2) Subclause (1) applies to a vessel or structure:
  1. whether it is floating or fixed; and
  2. whether or not it is capable of independent navigation.
(3) Subclause (1) has effect subject to subclauses (6) and (7). (4) A vessel or structure used for a purpose referred to in subparagraph (1)(b)(i) includes:
  1. any wells and associated plant and equipment by means of which petroleum processed or stored at the vessel or structure is recovered; and
  2. any pipe or system of pipes through which petroleum is conveyed from a well to the vessel or structure; and
  3. any secondary line associated with the vessel or structure.
(5) For the purposes of subclause (1), a vessel or structure that is located offshore for the purpose of laying pipes as described in subparagraph (1)(b)(iv) is taken to be located at a site, despite the fact that the vessel or structure moves as the pipe laying process proceeds. Vessels or structures that are facilities—offshore greenhouse gas storage operations A vessel or structure is taken to be a facility for the purposes of this Schedule while that vessel or structure:
  1. is located at a site in Commonwealth waters; and
  2. is being used, or prepared for use, at that site:
    1. for the injection of a greenhouse gas substance into the seabed or subsoil; or
    2. for the storage of a greenhouse gas substance in the seabed or subsoil; or
    3. for the compression of a greenhouse gas substance; or
    4. for the processing of a greenhouse gas substance; or
    5. for the pre-injection storage of a greenhouse gas substance; or
    6. for the offloading of a greenhouse gas substance; or
    7. for the monitoring of a greenhouse gas substance stored in the seabed or subsoil; or
    8. for any combination of activities covered by any of the preceding subparagraphs; or
    9. for the provision of accommodation for persons working on another facility, whether connected by a walkway to that other facility or not; or
    10. for drilling or servicing a well for injecting a greenhouse gas substance into the seabed or subsoil or doing work associated with the drilling or servicing process; or
    11. for laying pipes for conveying a greenhouse gas substance, including any manufacturing of such pipes, or for doing work on an existing pipe; or
    12. for the erection, dismantling or decommissioning of a vessel or structure referred to in a previous subparagraph of this paragraph; or
    13. for any other purpose related to offshore greenhouse gas storage operations that is prescribed for the purposes of this subparagraph.
(5B) Subclause (5A) applies to a vessel or structure:
  1. whether it is floating or fixed; and
  2. whether or not it is capable of independent navigation.
(5C) Subclause (5A) has effect subject to subclauses (6) and (7). (5D) A vessel or structure used for a purpose referred to in subparagraph (5A)(b)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii) or (viii) includes:
  1. any wells and associated plant and equipment by means of which a greenhouse gas substance processed or temporarily stored at the vessel or structure is injected into the seabed or subsoil; and
  2. any pipe or system of pipes through which a greenhouse gas substance is conveyed from the vessel or structure to a well;and
  3. any greenhouse gas injection line associated with the vessel or structure.
For the purposes of subclause (5A), a vessel or structure that is located offshore for the purpose of laying pipes as described in subparagraph (5A)(b)(xi) is taken to be located at a site, despite the fact that the vessel or structure moves as the pipe laying process proceeds. Vessels or structures that are not facilities Despite subclauses (1) and (5A), a vessel or structure is taken not to be a facility for the purposes of this Schedule if the vessel or structure is:
  1. an offtake tanker; or
  2. a tug or an anchor handler; or
  3. a vessel or structure used for supplying a facility or otherwise travelling between a facility and the shore; or
  4. a vessel or structure used for any purpose such that it is declared by the regulations not to be a facility.
Use for a particular purpose In determining when a vessel or structure that has the potential to be used for one or more of the purposes referred to in paragraph (1)(b) or (5A)(b) is in fact being so used, the vessel or structure is taken:
  1. to commence to be so used only at the time when it arrives at the site where it is to be so used and any activities necessary to make it operational at that site are begun; and
  2. to cease to be so used when operations cease, and the vessel or structure has been returned either to a navigable form or to a form in which it can be towed to another place.
Pipelines that are facilities Each of the following is taken to be a facility for the purposes of this Schedule:
  1. a pipeline subject to a pipeline licence;
  2. if a pipeline subject to a pipeline licence conveys petroleum recovered from a well without the petroleum having passed through another facility—that pipeline, together with:
    1. that well and associated plant and equipment; and
    2. any pipe or system of pipes through which petroleum is conveyed from that well to that pipeline;
  3. if a pipeline subject to a pipeline licence conveys a greenhouse gas substance to a well without the greenhouse gas substance having passed through another facility—that pipeline, together with:
    1. that well and associated plant and equipment; and
    2. any pipe or system of pipes through which a greenhouse gas substance is conveyed to that well from that pipeline.
In paragraph (8)(b): facility does not include a pipeline. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation  


Facility or parts thereof includes temporary equipment and third party equipment also. Source: Guidance Notes on Petroleum and Natural Gas (Safety in Offshore Operations) Rules, 2008, Oil Industry Safety Directorate (India), 2012. Regulatory Guidance


Facilities or parts of facilities also mean temporary equipment. Source: Guidelines Regarding the Activities Regulations, Norway, updated December 2012. Regulatory Guidance  


The definition of facility is the same as in the Petroleum Act, cf. Section 1-6, litera d, with comments, but it is included because the Working Environment Act uses the term in a somewhat different way. It is specified that, among other things, detached well structures of various types that are placed on the seabed, for example subsea production facilities with e.g. a wellhead, christmas tree and subsea templates, are included under the facility term. The same applies for equipment in the well and the well itself. This means that, unless otherwise evident from the context, requirements for facilities will also apply for the mentioned equipment, etc. Source: Guidelines Regarding the Framework Regulations, Norway, updated December 2012. Regulatory Guidance  


The term facility includes permanently placed and mobile facilities. Source: Guidelines Regarding the Framework Regulations, Norway, updated December 2012. Regulatory Guidance  


Like the Petroleum Act, the Working Environment Act will apply to facilities in the petroleum activities. The term facility is the same as is used in the Petroleum Act, cf. the definition in Section 1-6, litera d of the Petroleum Act. The Working Environment Act has a different, narrower application for vessels than the Petroleum Act, but in the determination of what constitutes a facility and what constitutes a vessel, the same criteria as follow from the petroleum legislation form the basis. Reference is here made to the delimitation in the Petroleum Act in connection with Section 1-4 cf. Section 1-6 litera c, which further limits what vessels can be considered supply and standby vessels, cf. Odelsting Proposition No. 43 (1995-1996), pages 27 and 28. The term includes, in addition to vessels that transport personnel and equipment, crane barges and other service vessels, vessels used to carry out manned underwater operations, pipe-laying vessels, vessels that carry out seismic surveys, etc. On the other hand, e.g. mobile drilling facilities, drilling or production vessels, flotels, etc. will clearly be covered by the term facility. As follows from the second subsection, however, certain restrictions have been set in the actual scope in relation to the Petroleum Act, which entails that the Working Environment Act will have a somewhat more limited application as regards the vessel function. Source: Guidelines Regarding the Framework Regulations, Norway, updated December 2012. Regulatory Guidance  


Facility includes amenity and equipment. Source: Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, Public Act 1992 No 96, New Zealand, as of 1 July 2011. Legislation  


“Facilities” means offshore installation, plant, associated pipelines and cables and other equipment for petroleum activities, but does not include supply and support vessels or ships that transport petroleum in bulk. Source: Petroleum and Natural Gas (Safety in Offshore Operations) Rules, 2008, India, 18th June 2008. Regulations




'Exploration' means drilling into a prospect and all related offshore oil and gas operations necessary prior to production-related operations. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation


Exploration means the commercial search for oil, gas, or sulphur. Activities classified as exploration include but are not limited to:
  1. Geophysical and geological (G&G) surveys using magnetic, gravity, seismic reflection, seismic refraction, gas sniffers, coring, or other systems to detect or imply the presence of oil, gas, or sulphur; and
  2. Any drilling conducted for the purpose of searching for commercial quantities of oil, gas, and sulphur, including the drilling of any additional well needed to delineate any reservoir to enable the lessee to decide whether to proceed with development and production.
Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  


Exploration means the process of searching for minerals, including, but not limited to,
  1. Geophysical surveys where magnetic, gravity, seismic, or other systems are used to detect or imply the presence of such minerals, and
  2. Any drilling, whether on or off known geological structures, including the drilling of a well in which a discovery of oil or natural gas in paying quantities is made and the drilling of any additional delineation well after the discovery which is needed to delineate any reservoir and to enable the lessee to determine whether to proceed with development and production.
Source: Outer Continental Shelf Activities, 33 CFR 140-147 (2013). Regulations  


Geological, petrophysical, geophysical, geochemical and geotechnical activities, including shallow drilling, as well as operation and use of a facility to the extent it is used for the purpose of exploration. Source: Act 29 November 1996 No. 72 Relating to Petroleum Activities, Norway, amended June 2011. Legislation  


Geophysical, seismographic and geological operations, including their administrative and engineering aspects, construction, maintenance, materials supply, and transportation of personnel and equipment; excludes drilling. Source: OGP Report No. 456, Process Safety – Recommended Practice on Key Performance Indicators, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, November 2011. Global Standards  

Exploratie (Dutch)

„exploratie”: het boren op vindplaatsen en alle daarmee verband houdende offshore olie- en gasactiviteiten die noodzakelijk zijn voordat met de productieactiviteiten wordt begonnen.  

Exploration (French)

«exploration», le forage d’un prospect et toutes les opérations pétrolières et gazières connexes en mer nécessaires avant le lancement des opérations liées à la production.  

Efterforskning (Danish)

»efterforskning«: boring i et prospekt og alle tilknyttede offshore olie- og gasaktiviteter, der er nødvendige forud for produktionsrelaterede aktiviteter.  

Exploración (Spanish)

«exploración»: la perforación en un objetivo exploratorio así como todas las operaciones pertinentes relacionadas con el petróleo y el gas mar adentro que sean necesarias antes de las operaciones relativas a la producción.  

Explorare (Romanian)

„explorare” înseamnă forarea în terenul prospectat și toate operațiunile petroliere și gaziere offshore necesare înainte de operațiunile legate de producție.  

Exploration (German)

„Exploration“ das Niederbringen einer Erkundungsbohrung und alle damit zusammenhängenden Offshore-Erdöl- und -Erdgasaktivitäten, die vor Beginn des Förderbetriebs erforderlich sind.  

εξερεύνηση (Greek)

«εξερεύνηση» σημαίνει την ανόρυξη γεώτρησης σε περιοχή αναζήτησης και όλες τις συναφείς υπεράκτιες εργασίες πετρελαίου και φυσικού αερίου πριν από τις εργασίες που σχετίζονται με την παραγωγή.3  

Esplorazione (Italian)

«esplorazione»: perforazione nell’ambito di una prospezione e tutte le operazioni in mare connesse nel settore degli idrocarburi che devono essere effettuate prima delle operazioni connesse alla produzione.  

Poszukiwanie (Polish)

„poszukiwanie” oznacza wiercenia poszukiwawcze i wszelką powiązaną działalność związaną ze złożami ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego na obszarach morskich, niezbędną do rozpoczęcia działalności związanej z wydobyciem.  

Pesquisa (Portuguese)

«Pesquisa», a realização de sondagens para a avaliação de prospetos e todas as operações conexas offshore de petróleo e gás que é necessário efetuar antes das operações relacionadas com a produção.  

Prospektering (Swedish)

prospektering: borrning i ett prospekteringsområde och all relaterad olje- och gasverksamhet till havs som föregår produktionsrelaterad verksamhet.  

Etsinnällä (Finnish)

’etsinnällä’ tarkoitetaan esiintymän porausta ja kaikkea siihen liittyvää merellä tapahtuvaa öljyn- ja kaasunporaustoimintaa, joka on tarpeen ennen tuotantoon liittyvää toimintaa.3  

Raziskovanje (Slovenian)

„raziskovanje“ pomeni vrtanje v morebitno nahajališče in vse povezane naftne in plinske dejavnosti na morju, ki so potrebne pred dejavnostmi, povezanimi s proizvodnjo.  

Prieskum (Slovak)

„prieskum“ je vrt v prieskumnom území a všetky súvisiace operácie prieskumu ložísk a ťažby ropy a zemného plynu na mori, ktoré je treba vykonať pred operáciami súvisiacimi s ťažbou.  

žvalgymas (Lithuanian)

žvalgymas – žvalgomųjų gręžinių gręžimas ir visos susijusios naftos ir dujų operacijos jūroje, kurias būtina atlikti prieš atliekant su gavyba susijusias operacijas.  

Feltárás (Hungarian)

„feltárás”: fúrás valamely potenciális olaj- vagy gázlelőhelyen, továbbá a termeléshez kapcsolódó tevékenységeket megelőzően szükséges valamennyi kapcsolódó tengeri olaj- és gázipari tevékenység.  

Esplorazzjoni (Maltese)

‘esplorazzjoni’ tfisser it-tħaffir fi prospett u l-operazzjonijiet kollha relatati taż-żejt u tal-gass offshore meħtieġa qabel l-operazzjonijiet relatati mal-produzzjoni.  

Izpēte (Latvian)

“izpēte” ir urbšana atradnē un visas ar to saistītās naftas un gāzes nozares darbības jūrā, kas jāveic, pirms tiek sāktas ar ieguvi saistītas darbības.  

Uuringud (Estonian)

„uuringud”– puurimine võimalikus maardlas ja igasugused sellega seotud avamere nafta- ja gaasiammutamisprotsessid, mis on vajalikud enne tootmisprotsesside alustamist.  

Průzkumem (Czech)

„průzkumem“ vrtání vrtů do výhledového místa a související činnosti v odvětví ropy a zemního plynu nutné dříve, než dojde k činnostem souvisejícím s těžbou.  

проучване (Bulgarian)

„проучване“ означава сондирането в даден участък и всички съответни свързани с нефт и газ дейности в крайбрежни води, необходими на етапа преди свързаните с добива дейности.      
Existing Facility

Existing Facility


Existing Facility

Existing facility means a facility at a location in Commonwealth waters, if the facility is or has been in use, or is available for use, in that location. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Safety) Regulations 2009 (Select Legislative Instrument 2009 No. 382 as amended), Australia, prepared on 1 January 2012. Regulations

Existing Facility

Existing facility, as used in 30 CFR 550.303, means an OCS facility described in an Exploration Plan or a Development and Production Plan approved before June 2, 1980. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  

Existing Facility

Existing facilities as mentioned in this Section No. 3, means facilities where the plan for development and operation of petroleum deposits (PDO) has been approved in accordance with Section 4-2 of the Petroleum Act, or where special permission has been given on the basis of plans for installation and operation of facilities for transport and exploitation of petroleum (PIO) in accordance with the Petroleum Act Section 4-3, or facilities that have been granted consent to carry out petroleum activities before these regulations entered into force. Source: Guidelines Regarding the Facilities Regulations, Norway, updated December 2012. Regulatory Guidance  

Existing Facilities

Existing facilities are facilities for which the Plan for Development and Operations (PDO) is approved, or a special permission has been granted under a PIO, cf. Sections 4-2 and 4-3 of the Petroleum Act, respectively, or facilities that have been granted consent to carry out petroleum activities. For mobile facilities, it is presumed that a facility is new when a new consent is applied for, in the same manner as according to the safety regulations that were in force until these regulations entered into force. Source: Guidelines Regarding the Framework Regulations, Norway, updated December 2012. Regulatory Guidance  
Enhanced Recovery Operations

Enhanced Recovery Operations


Enhanced recovery operations:

Enhanced recovery operations mean pressure maintenance operations, secondary and tertiary recovery, cycling, and similar recovery operations that alter the natural forces in a reservoir to increase the ultimate recovery of oil or gas. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
Emission Offsets

Emission Offsets


Emission offsets:

Emission offsets mean emission reductions obtained from facilities, either onshore or offshore, other than the facility or facilities covered by the proposed Exploration Plan (EP) or Development and Production Plan (DPP). Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
Eastern Gulf of Mexico

Eastern Gulf of Mexico


Eastern Gulf of Mexico:

Eastern Gulf of Mexico means all OCS areas of the Gulf of Mexico the BOEM Director decides are adjacent to the State of Florida. The Eastern Gulf of Mexico is not the same as the Eastern Planning Area, an area established for OCS lease sales. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations




Easement means an authorization for a nonpossessory, nonexclusive interest in a portion of the OCS, whether leased or unleased, which specifies the rights of the holder to use the area embraced in the easement in a manner consistent with the terms and conditions of the granting authority. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
District Manager

District Manager


District Manager

District Manager means the BSEE officer with authority and responsibility for operations or other designated program functions for a district within a BSEE Region. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  

District Manager

District Manager―the head of any one of the districts of the state under the Division of Minerals, and as used, refers specifically to the manager within whose district the well or wells are located. Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations  

District Manager

District Manager―the head of any one of the districts of the state of Louisiana under the Office of Conservation, and specifically, the manager within whose district the well which is subject to an application under the provisions of this Statewide Order is located. Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations  

District Manager

District Manager―the head of any one of the districts of the state of Louisiana under the Office of Conservation, and specifically, the manager within whose district the field or fields are located from which the applicant proposes to commingle production. Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations  

District Manager

District Manager―the head of any one of the districts of the state and under the Office of Conservation, and as used, refers specifically to the manager within whose district the well or wells are located. Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations  

District Manager

District Manager―the manager of any one of the districts of the state of Louisiana under the Office of Conservation, and, as used, refers specifically to the manager within whose district the field or fields affected by the special order, as hereinafter defined, are located. Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations  

District Manager

District Manager―the manager of any one of the districts of the state of Louisiana under the Office of Conservation, and refers specifically to the manager within whose district the pool for which any unit(s) are sought to be terminated are located. Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations  

District Manager

District Manager―the head of any one of the districts of the state of Louisiana under the Office of Conservation, and specifically the manager within whose district the well affected by this Statewide Order is located. Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations  

District Manager

District Manager―the manager of any one of the districts of the state of Louisiana under the Office of Conservation, and, as used, refers specifically to the manager within whose district the field or fields affected by the subject matter of the proposed hearing are located. Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations




Director means the Director of BSEE of the U.S. Department of the Interior, or an official authorized to act on the Director's behalf. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  


DIRECTOR shall mean the Director of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission of the State of Colorado or any member of the Director's staff authorized to represent the Director. Source: Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Practice and Procedure, Code of Colorado Regulations, 2 CCR 404-1, February 2013. Regulations  


"Director" means the director of oil and gas of the industrial commission, the assistant director of oil and gas of the industrial commission, and their designated representatives. Source: Oil and gas Conservation, North Dakota Administrative Code, Chapter 43-02-03, April 2012. Regulations  


“Director” means the Director of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, Oil Conservation Division. Source: Oil and Gas, New Mexico Administrative Code Title 19, Chapter 15, January 2013. Regulations  


Director of the Oil and Gas Division or his staff delegate designated in writing by the director of the Oil and Gas Division or the commission. Source: Oil and Gas Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 3, February 2013. Regulations  


The director of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas or the director's delegate. Source: Oil and Gas Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 3, February 2013. Regulations  


The director of the Oil and Gas Division or a staff delegate designated in writing by the director of the Oil and Gas Division or the commission. Source: Oil and Gas Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 3, February 2013. Regulations  


"Director", in relation to a firm, means a partner in the firm. Source: The Oil Industry (Development) Act, 1974, Act No. 47 of 1974, India, as amended as of May 2013. Legislation
Development Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Activities

Development Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Activities


Development geological and geophysical (G&G) activities:

Development geological and geophysical (G&G) activities mean those G&G and related data-gathering activities on your lease or unit that you conduct following discovery of oil, gas, or sulphur in paying quantities to detect or imply the presence of oil, gas, or sulphur in commercial quantities. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations




Development means those activities that take place following discovery of minerals in paying quantities, including but not limited to geophysical activity, drilling, platform construction, and operation of all directly related onshore support facilities, and which are for the purpose of producing the minerals discovered. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  


Development means those activities which take place following discovery of minerals in paying quantities, including, but not limited to, geophysical activity, drilling, and platform construction, and which are for the purpose of ultimately producing the minerals discovered. Source: Outer Continental Shelf Activities, 33 CFR 140-147 (2013). Regulations  


"Development" means any work which actively looks toward bringing in production, such as erecting rigs, building tankage, drilling wells, etc. Source: Corporation Commission, Oil and Gas Conservation, Oklahoma Administrative Code 165:10, February 2013. Regulations




Departures mean approvals granted by the appropriate BSEE or BOEM representative for operating requirements/procedures other than those specified in the regulations found in this part. These requirements/procedures may be necessary to control a well; properly develop a lease; conserve natural resources, or protect life, property, or the marine, coastal, or human environment. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations




Collection of values assigned to base measures, derived measures and/or indicators. [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15939:2007] Note 1 to entry: This definition applies only within the context of ISO/IEC 27004:2009. Source: ISO/IEC 27000:2014, Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Overview and vocabulary, Third Edition, January 2014. Global Standards


Data means facts and statistics, measurements, or samples that have not been analyzed, processed, or interpreted. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  


Data includes:
  1. information in any form; and
  2. any program (or part of a program).
Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation
Correlative Rights

Correlative Rights


Correlative Rights

The words POOL, PERSON, OWNER, PRODUCER, OIL, GAS, WASTE, CORRELATIVE RIGHTS and COMMON SOURCE OF SUPPLY are defined by the Act, and said definitions are hereby adopted in these Rules and Regulations. From C.R.S. 34-60-103 (2012): "Correlative rights" means that each owner and producer in a common pool or source of supply of oil and gas shall have an equal opportunity to obtain and produce his just and equitable share of the oil and gas underlying such pool or source of supply. Source: Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Practice and Procedure, Code of Colorado Regulations, 2 CCR 404-1, February 2013. Regulations  

Correlative Rights

“Correlative rights” means the opportunity afforded, as far as it is practicable to do so, to the owner of each property in a pool to produce without waste the owner’s just and equitable share of the oil or gas in the pool, being an amount, so far as can be practically determined, and so far as can be practicably obtained without waste, substantially in the proportion that the quantity of recoverable oil or gas under the property bears to the total recoverable oil or gas in the pool, and for the purpose to use the owner’s just and equitable share of the reservoir energy. Source: Oil and Gas, New Mexico Administrative Code Title 19, Chapter 15, January 2013. Regulations  

Correlative Rights

Correlative rights when used with respect to lessees of adjacent leases, means the right of each lessee to be afforded an equal opportunity to explore for, develop, and produce, without waste, minerals from a common source. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
Competitive Reservoir

Competitive Reservoir


Competitive reservoir

Competitive reservoir means a reservoir in which there are one or more producible or producing well completions on each of two or more leases or portions of leases, with different lease operating interests, from which the lessees plan future production. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
Coastal Zone

Coastal Zone


Coastal zone:

Coastal zone means the coastal waters (including the lands therein and thereunder) and the adjacent shorelands (including the waters therein and thereunder) strongly influenced by each other and in proximity to the shorelands of the several coastal States. The coastal zone includes islands, transition and intertidal areas, salt marshes, wetlands, and beaches. The coastal zone extends seaward to the outer limit of the U.S. territorial sea and extends inland from the shorelines to the extent necessary to control shorelands, the uses of which have a direct and significant impact on the coastal waters, and the inward boundaries of which may be identified by the several coastal States, under the authority in section 305(b)(1) of the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) of 1972. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  

Coastal zone:

The area within the boundary established in Title 31, Texas Administrative Code, §503.1 (Coastal Management Program Boundary). Source: Oil and Gas Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 3, February 2013. Regulations
Coastal Environment

Coastal Environment


Coastal environment:

Coastal environment means the physical, atmospheric, and biological components, conditions, and factors that interactively determine the productivity, state, condition, and quality of the terrestrial ecosystem from the shoreline inward to the boundaries of the coastal zone. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
Best Available Control Technology

Best Available Control Technology


Best available control technology (BACT)

Best available control technology (BACT) means an emission limitation based on the maximum degree of reduction for each air pollutant subject to regulation, taking into account energy, environmental and economic impacts, and other costs. The Regional Supervisor will verify the BACT on a case-by-case basis, and it may include reductions achieved through the application of processes, systems, and techniques for the control of each air pollutant. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  
Best Available and Safest Technology

Best Available and Safest Technology


Best available and safest technology (BAST):

Best available and safest technology (BAST) means the best available and safest technologies that the BSEE Director determines to be economically feasible wherever failure of equipment would have a significant effect on safety, health, or the environment. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations