Semi-enclosed Location

Semi-enclosed Location


Semi-enclosed location

For the purpose of this subpart “semi-enclosed location” means a location where natural conditions of ventilation are notably different from those on open decks due to the presence of structures such as roofs, windbreaks, or bulkheads. Source: Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 46 CFR 107-109 (2013). Regulations  

Semi-enclosed locations

Semi-enclosed locations are locations where natural conditions of ventilation are notably different from those on open decks due to the presence of structures such as roofs, windbreaks and bulkheads and which are so arranged that dispersion of gas may not occur. Source: IMO Resolution A.1023(26), Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (2009 MODU Code), 2009. Global Standards  


Semi-enclosed locations are locations where natural conditions of ventilation are notably different from those on open decks due to the presence of structures such as roofs, windbreaks and bulkheads and which are so arranged that the dispersion of gas may not occur. Source: IEC 61892-7, Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations – Part 7: Hazardous areas. Global Standards  
Self-propelled Unit

Self-propelled Unit


Self-propelled unit

Self-propelled unit means a unit that has propulsion machinery that provides for independent underway navigation. Source: Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 46 CFR 107-109 (2013). Regulations  
Self-Elevating Unit

Self-Elevating Unit


Self-Elevating Unit

Self-elevating unit is a unit with movable legs capable of raising its hull above the surface of the sea and lowering it back into the sea. Source: IMO Resolution A.1023(26), Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (2009 MODU Code), 2009. Global Standards Source: IMO resolution MSC.267(85), International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code), 4 December 2008, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance  

Self-Elevating Unit

Self-elevating unit means a unit with moveable legs capable of raising its hull above the surface of the sea. Source: Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 46 CFR 107-109 (2013). Regulations  

Self-Elevating Unit

Self-elevating unit is a unit with moveable legs capable of raising its hull above the surface of the sea. Source: IMO Resolution MSC.267(85), adoption of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code), 4 December 2008, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance  

Self-Elevating Unit

Self-elevating units are mobile units which are designed to operate as sea bed-stabilised units in an elevated mode. These units have a buoyant hull with movable legs capable of raising the hull above the surface of the sea. The legs may be designed to penetrate the sea bed, or be attached to a mat or individual footings which rest on the sea bed. Source: Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Mobile Offshore Units, Part 1, Regulations, June 2013, Lloyd’s Register, Global Standards
Seagoing Condition

Seagoing Condition


Seagoing condition

Seagoing condition means the operating condition of the unit with the personnel, equipment, fluids, and ballast necessary for safe operation on the waters where the unit operates. For bottom-bearing mobile offshore drilling units (MODU), the term also applies in the bottom-bearing mode, but the lightest seagoing condition is considered to be the highest anticipated operating condition. Source: Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 46 CFR 107-109 (2013). Regulations  
Standby Vessel

Standby Vessel


Standby vessel

Standby vessel means a vessel meeting the requirements of part 143, subpart E, of this chapter and specifically designated in an Emergency Evacuation Plan under §§ 146.140 or 146.210 of this chapter to provide rapid evacuation assistance in the event of an emergency. Source: Outer Continental Shelf Activities, 33 CFR 140-147 (2013). Regulations  
Sulphur Production Rate

Sulphur Production Rate


Sulphur production rate:

Sulphur production rate means the number of long tons of sulphur produced during a certain period of time, usually per day. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  
Sulphur Deposit

Sulphur Deposit


Sulphur deposit:

Sulphur deposit means a formation of rock that contains elemental sulphur. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  
Surface Commingling

Surface Commingling


Surface commingling:

The surface mixing of production from two or more leases and/or unit participating areas prior to royalty measurement. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  
Standard Conditions

Standard Conditions


Standard conditions:

Atmospheric pressure of 14.73 pounds per square inch absolute (psia) and 60 °F. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  
Sales Meter

Sales Meter


Sales meter:

A meter at which custody transfer takes place (not necessarily a royalty meter). Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  
Supplemental OCS Plan

Supplemental OCS Plan


Supplemental OCS plan:

Supplemental OCS plan means an EP, DPP, or DOCD that proposes the addition to an approved OCS plan of an activity that requires approval of an application or permit (see 30 CFR 550.283(b)). Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  




temporary stop, delay, interruption or cessation of a person’s certification issued by the certification body [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17000:2004, 6.2, modified] Source: ISO/IEC TS 17027:2014, Conformity assessment – Vocabulary related to competence of persons used for certification of persons, Global Standards


Suspension means a granted or directed deferral of the requirement to produce (Suspension of Production (SOP)) or to conduct leaseholding operations (Suspension of Operations (SOO)). Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  


Suspension notice means a notice under section 37(1). Source: Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, Public Act 1992 No 96, New Zealand, as of 1 July 2011. Legislation
Significant Archaeological Resource

Significant Archaeological Resource


Significant archaeological resource:

Significant archaeological resource means those archaeological resources that meet the criteria of significance for eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places as defined in 36 CFR 60.4, or its successor. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations  
Sensitive Reservoir

Sensitive Reservoir


Sensitive reservoir:

Sensitive reservoir means a reservoir in which the production rate will affect ultimate recovery. Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations