Greenhouse gas injection monthly report
Greenhouse gas injection monthly report means a report that includes:
- for each well in the licence area:
- the well’s identification name and number; and
- a summary of all work that has been performed on the well during the month; and
- the results of any tests conducted during the month; and
- the well’s operational status at the end of the month; and
- the average, maximum and minimum values during the month for injection pressure, temperature and flow rate, at both the wellhead and the bottom of the well bore; and
- if the well was shut at any time during the month — the shut-in wellhead pressure; and
- the number of days of greenhouse gas injection during the month; and
- the cumulative quantities of greenhouse gas substance that has been injected, and water that has been produced or injected, as at the end of the month; and
- the total quantities of greenhouse gas substance that has been injected, and water that has been produced or injected, during the month; and
- the average composition of the greenhouse gas substance injected during the month; and
- the sources of the greenhouse gas substances injected; and
- the estimated average pressure in the storage formation.
Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Resource Management and Administration) Regulations 2011 (Select Legislative Instrument 2011 No. 54 as amended), Australia, prepared on 1 January 2012. Regulations