
Infrastructure facility

Infrastructure facility has the meaning given by section 15.

Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation


Infrastructure facilities

1. For the purposes of this Act, an infrastructure facility is a facility, structure or installation for engaging in any of the activities to which subsection (2) or (3) applies, so long as:

  1. the facility, structure or installation rests on the seabed; or
  2. the facility, structure or installation is fixed or connected to the seabed (whether or not the facility is floating); or
  3. the facility, structure or installation is attached or tethered to a facility, structure or installation referred to in paragraph (a) or (b).

Petroleum activities

2. This subsection applies to the following activities:

  1. remote control of facilities, structures or installations used to recover petroleum in a petroleum production licence area;
  2. processing petroleum recovered in any place, including:
    1. converting petroleum into another form by physical or chemical means, or both (for example, converting it into liquefied natural gas or methanol); and
    2. partial processing of petroleum (for example, by removing water);
  3. storing petroleum before it is transported to another place;
  4. preparing petroleum for transport to another place (for example, pumping or compressing);
  5. activities related to any of the above;

but, except as mentioned in paragraph (a), this subsection does not apply to exploring for, or recovering, petroleum.

Greenhouse gas activities

3. This subsection applies to the following activities:

  1. activities preparatory to injecting a greenhouse gas substance into an identified greenhouse gas storage formation (for example, controlling the flow of a greenhouse gas substance into the relevant well);
  2. preparing a greenhouse gas substance for injection into an identified greenhouse gas storage formation (for example, pumping, processing or compressing);
  3. preparing a greenhouse gas substance for transport to another place (for example, pumping or compressing);
  4. storing a greenhouse gas substance before it is:
    1. transported to another place; or
    2. injected into an identified greenhouse gas storage formation; or
    3. subjected to any other activity at a facility, structure or installation;
  5. monitoring the behaviour of a greenhouse gas substance stored in an identified greenhouse gas storage formation;
  6. remote control of facilities, structures or installations used to:
    1. inject a greenhouse gas substance into an identified greenhouse gas storage formation; or
    2. store a greenhouse gas substance in an identified greenhouse gas storage formation; or
    3. do anything mentioned in any of the above paragraphs;
  7. activities related to any of the above.

4. For the purposes of subsection (3), the injection of a greenhouse gas substance into an identified greenhouse gas storage formation is taken to take place at the top of the relevant well.

Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation


Infrastructure facility

For the purposes of this section,”infrastructure facilities” shall mean facilities at ports, refineries, terminals, depots and aviation fuelling stations including hydrant lines and shall include loading and unloading facilities.

Source: The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006, No. 19 of 2006, India, amended as of May 2013. Legislation

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