Integration of the ancillary equipment into the flexible pipe system. NOTE This term does not refer to installation of the flexible pipe unless specifically stated.
Source: API RP 17L2, Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe Ancillary Equipment, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards
a drilling installation or a production installation.
Source: Atlantic Canada Offshore Petroleum Industry, Standard Practice for the Training and Qualifications of Personnel, 2013, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Global Standards
“Installation” means a diving installation, a drilling installation, a production installation or an accommodation installation (installation).
Source: Canada Oil and Gas Installations Regulations, SOR/96-111, Canada, current to May 1, 2014. Regulations
Source: Canada Oil and Gas Installations Regulations, SOR/96-118, February 2013. Regulations
Source: Nova Scotia Offshore Certificate of Fitness Regulations, SOR/95-187, Canada, current to May 31, 2012. Regulations
Source: Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Installations Regulations, SOR/95-191, Canada, current to May 31, 2012. Regulations
“Installation” means any fixed offshore structure used in connection with the exploration or drilling for or the production, conservation, processing or transportation of oil or gas (installation).
Source: Canada Oil and Gas Diving Regulations, SOR/88-600, February 2013. Regulations
Source: Nova Scotia Offshore Area Petroleum Diving Regulations, SOR/95-189, Canada, current to May 31, 2012. Regulations
Installation In these Regulations, “drilling installation”, “drilling rig”, “drilling unit”, “drill site”, “installation”, “production installation”, “production operation”, “production site” and “subsea production system” have the same meaning as in subsection 2(1) of the Canada Oil and Gas Installations Regulations.
Source: Canada Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Regulations, SOR/2009-315, February 2013. Regulations
Installation for the purpose of section 5.11 of the Act, “installation” means an onshore or offshore installation. For the purpose of section 58.2 of the Act, an onshore or offshore installation is prescribed as an installation.
Source: Canada Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Regulations, SOR/2009-315, February 2013. Regulations
‘Installation’ means a stationary, fixed or mobile facility, or a combination of facilities permanently inter-connected by bridges or other structures, used for offshore oil and gas operations or in connection with such operations. Installations include mobile offshore drilling units only when they are stationed in offshore waters for drilling, production or other activities associated with offshore oil and gas operations.
Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation
“Installation” means a diving installation, a drilling installation, a production installation or an accommodation installation as defined by the Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Installation Regulations.
Source: Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Occupational Health & Safety Requirements, Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, Canada, December 2000. Regulations
The offshore exploration or production installation (e.g. semisubmersible, drillship, fixed production platform, FPSO vessel) or a group of these installations.
Source: Offshore Physical Environmental Guidelines, The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, and National Energy Board, Canada, September 2008. Regulatory Guidance
Detailed guidance on the definition of ‘installation’ is set out in guidance to MAR, regulation 3.
Source: Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response on Offshore Installations, Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response) Regulations 1995, Approved Code of Practice and guidance (UK HSE L65), Second Edition, 1997. Regulatory Guidance
In regulation 2 (interpretation) of the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 1992 (Note: S.I. 1992/2885.) (“the 1992 Regulations”) in paragraph (1) (definitions) for the definition of “installation” there shall be substituted the following definition: ““installation” means an offshore installation within the meaning of regulation 3 of the 1995 Regulations”.
Source: The Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995, UK S.I. 1995/738, 1995. Regulations
“Installation” means an offshore installation within the meaning of regulation 3 of the 1995 Regulations.
Source: The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response) Regulations 1995, S.I. 1995/743, 1995. Regulations
“Installation” means any premises wherein any place has been specially prepared for the storage of petroleum in bulk, but does not include a well-head tank or a service station.
Source: The Petroleum Rules, 1976, India, 1976. Regulations
Source: The Petroleum Rules, 2002, India, 13th March 2002. Regulations
“Installation” means an offshore installation within the meaning of regulation 3 of the Management Regulations.
Source: The Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005, UK S.I. 2005/3117, 2005. Regulations
Oil production platform or rig.
Source: NOGEPA Guideline 14, Helideck Operations and Procedures Manual, Netherlands, Version 2, December 2011. Global Standards
“Installation” includes any floating structure or device maintained on a station by whatever means.
Source: The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (Application outside Great Britain) Order 2001, UK S.I. 2013/214, 2013. Regulations
A place of work including but not limited to a factory, site, facility, or undertaking, that stores, processes or produces, either temporarily or permanently, hazardous substances in such a form or in such a quantity that they possess the potential to cause or contribute to a major industrial accident.
Source: Approved Code of Practice for Managing Hazards to Prevent Major Industrial Accidents, Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, Department of Labour, New Zealand, July 1994. Regulatory Guidance
Installation means a production installation or a non-production installation.
Source: Health and Safety in Employment (Petroleum Exploration and Extraction) Regulations 2013, SR 2013/208, New Zealand, as of May 2013. Regulations
Activities related to the assembly and erection of the lifting appliance on the working location.
Source: Verification of Lifting Appliances for the Oil and Gas Industry, DNV-OSS-308, October 2010, Det Norske Veritas AS, Global Standards
Installatie (Dutch)
„installatie”: een statische vaste of mobiele voorzieninginrichting, of een combinatie van voorzieningeninrichtingen die permanent onderling zijn verbonden door bruggen of andere structuren en die worden gebruikt voor offshore olie- en gasactiviteiten of in het kader van zulke dergelijke activiteiten. Installaties omvatten mobiele offshoreboorinstallaties enkel wanneer zij in offshorewateren verankerd liggen met het oog op boringen, productie of andere activiteiten die verband houden met offshore olie- en gasactiviteiten.
Installation (French)
«installation», un équipement fixe ou mobile, ou une combinaison d’équipements interconnectés en permanence par des passerelles ou par d’autres structures, utilisés pour des opérations pétrolières et gazières en mer ou en rapport avec ces opérations. Les installations comprennent les unités mobiles de forage au large lorsqu’elles sont positionnées dans les eaux situées au large des côtes aux fins du forage, de la production ou d’autres activités en rapport avec des opérations pétrolières et gazières en mer.
Anlæg (Danish)
»anlæg«: en stationær, fast eller mobil indretning eller en kombination af indretninger, som er permanent indbyrdes forbundet ved hjælp af broer eller andre strukturer, som bruges til offshore olie- og gasaktiviteter eller i forbindelse med sådanne aktiviteter. Anlæg omfatter kun mobile offshore boreenheder, når de er placeret i offshore farvande med henblik på boring, produktion eller andre aktiviteter, der er forbundet med offshore olie- og gasaktiviteter.
Instalación (Spanish)
«instalación»: una estructura estacionaria fija o móvil, o una combinación de estructuras permanentemente interconectadas por puentes u otras estructuras, utilizadas para operaciones relacionadas con el petróleo y el gas mar adentro o en conexión con estas operaciones; esto solamente incluirá las unidades móviles de perforación mar adentro cuando estén estacionadas en aguas situadas mar adentro a efectos de perforación, producción u otras actividades asociadas con operaciones de petróleo y de gas efectuadas mar adentro.
Instalație (Romanian)
„instalație” înseamnă o instalație staționară, fixă sau mobilă, sau o combinație de instalații, interconectate permanent prin punți sau alte structuri, utilizate în cadrul operațiunilor petroliere și gaziere offshore sau în legătură cu aceste operațiuni. Instalațiile includ instalații de foraj offshore mobile numai atunci când acestea sunt staționate în ape offshore pentru activități de foraj, de producție sau de alt tip, asociate cu operațiunile petroliere și gaziere offshore.
Anlage (German)
„Anlage“ eine ortsgebundene feste oder mobile Anlage oder eine Kombination von dauerhaft durch Brücken oder andere Strukturen untereinander verbundenen Anlagen, die für Offshore-Erdöl- und -Erdgasaktivitäten oder im Zusammenhang damit verwendet werden. Anlagen sind auch bewegliche Offshore-Bohreinheiten, wenn sie in Offshore-Gewässern für Bohr- oder Fördertätigkeiten oder andere mit Offshore-Erdöl- und -Erdgasaktivitäten zusammenhängende Tätigkeiten in Offshore-Gewässern stationiert sind.
εγκατάσταση (Greek)
«εγκατάσταση» σημαίνει μια ακίνητη, σταθερή ή κινητή εγκατάσταση ή τον συνδυασμό εγκαταστάσεων που συνδέονται μόνιμα μεταξύ τους με γέφυρες ή άλλες κατασκευές, η οποία χρησιμοποιείται σε υπεράκτιες εργασίες πετρελαίου και φυσικού αερίου ή συνδέεται με τις εργασίες αυτές. Οι εγκαταστάσεις περιλαμβάνουν υπεράκτιες κινητές μονάδες ανόρυξης γεώτρησης μόνο εφόσον τοποθετηθούν σε υπεράκτια ύδατα με στόχο την εκτέλεση εργασιών ανόρυξης γεώτρησης, εργασιών παραγωγής ή άλλων εργασιών που συνδέονται με υπεράκτιες εργασίες πετρελαίου και φυσικού αερίου.
Impianto (Italian)
«impianto»: una struttura stazionaria, fissa o mobile, o una combinazione di strutture permanentemente interconnesse tramite ponti o altre strutture, utilizzata per attività in mare nel settore degli idrocarburi o connesse a tali operazioni. Gli impianti comprendono le piattaforme di perforazione mobili in mare solo quando sono stazionate in mare aperto per attività di perforazione, produzione o altre attività connesse alle operazioni in mare nel settore degli idrocarburi.
Instalacja (Polish)
„instalacja” oznacza stacjonarny obiekt stały lub ruchomy lub zespół obiektów na stałe połączonych łącznikami lub innymi elementami, wykorzystywany do prowadzenia działalności związanej ze złożami ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego na obszarach morskich lub w związku z tą działalnością. Pojęcie „instalacja” obejmuje ruchome platformy wiertnicze wyłącznie wtedy, gdy są one umiejscowione na obszarach morskich do celów wiercenia, wydobycia lub innych działań dotyczących działalności związanej ze złożami ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego na obszarach morskich.
Instalação (Portuguese)
«Instalação», uma instalação estacionária fixa ou móvel, ou um conjunto de instalações permanentemente interligadas por pontes ou outras estruturas, utilizada nas operações offshore de petróleo e gás ou em ligação com essas operações, incluindo as unidades móveis de sondagem offshore quando estejam estacionadas no offshore para pesquisa, produção ou outras atividades relacionadas com operações offshore de petróleo e gás.
Anläggning (Swedish)
anläggning: en stationär, fast eller mobil installation, eller en kombination av installationer som är permanent sammanlänkade genom broar, bryggor eller andra strukturer, vilken används för olje- och gasverksamhet till havs eller i samband med sådan verksamhet. Anläggningar omfattar mobila offshoreborrplattformar endast när de placeras i havsområden för borrning, produktion eller annan verksamhet med anknytning till olje- och gasverksamhet till havs.
laitteistolla (Finnish)
’laitteistolla’ tarkoitetaan paikallaan olevaa, kiinteää tai liikutettavaa asennelmaa tai asennelmien yhdistelmää, joka on pysyvästi yhdistetty silloilla tai muilla rakenteilla ja jota käytetään merellä tapahtuvaan öljyn- ja kaasunporaustoimintaan tai tällaisen toiminnan yhteydessä. Laitteistot sisältävät merellä toimivat liikkuvat porausyksiköt ainoastaan silloin, kun ne ovat ankkuroituneet merialueelle poraamista, tuotantoa tai muita merellä tapahtuvaan öljyn- ja kaasunporaustoimintaan liittyviä toimia varten.2
Naprava (Slovenian)
„naprava“ pomeni stacionarni, fiksni ali mobilni objekt ali skupino objektov, ki so med seboj stalno povezani z mostovi ali drugimi konstrukcijami ter se uporabljajo za naftne in plinske dejavnosti na morju ali v povezavi s takimi dejavnostmi. Naprave vključujejo mobilne enote na morju, če so zasidrane na odrtem morju zaradi vrtanja, proizvodnje ali drugih dejavnosti, povezanimi z naftnimi in plinskimi dejavnostmi na morju.
Zariadenie (Slovak)
„zariadenie“ je stacionárne nepohyblivé alebo pohyblivé zariadenie alebo kombinácia zariadení trvalo prepojených mostmi alebo inými konštrukciami, ktoré sa používajú na operácie prieskumu ložísk a ťažby ropy a zemného plynu na mori alebo v súvislosti s týmito operáciami. Zariadenia zahŕňajú pohyblivé vrtné jednotky na vŕtanie na mori sem patria, len ak sú upevnené v pobrežných vodách na účely vŕtania, ťažby alebo iných činností súvisiacich s operáciami prieskumu ložísk a ťažby ropy a zemného plynu na mori.
įrenginys (Lithuanian)
įrenginys – nejudamas, stacionarus ar mobilusis įrenginys ar įrenginių junginys, visam laikui sujungtas tiltais arba kitomis struktūromis, naudojamas naftos ir dujų operacijoms jūroje ar susijęs su tokiomis operacijomis. Įrenginiai apima mobiliuosius gręžimo jūroje įrenginius tik tuomet, kai jie yra dislokuoti jūroje gręžimo, gavybos ar kitos veiklos, susijusios su naftos ir dujų operacijomis jūroje, tikslais.
létesítmény (Hungarian)
„létesítmény”: helyhez kötött – rögzített vagy mobil – létesítmény, illetve hidakkal vagy egyéb szerkezetekkel tartósan összekapcsolt létesítményegyüttes, amelyet tengeri olaj- és gázipari tevékenységek végzésére vagy ezzel összefüggésben használnak. Ide tartoznak a tengeri mobil fúrótornyok is, amikor azok nyílt tengeren, nem mozgó helyzetben fúrást, termelést vagy egyéb, tengeri olaj- és gázipari tevékenységekhez kötődő műveleteket végeznek.
Installazzjoni (Maltese)
‧installazzjoni‧ tfisser faċilità stazzjonarja fissa jew mobbli, jew kombinament ta’ faċilitajiet, interkonnessi b’mod permanenti permezz ta’ pontijiet, jew strutturi oħra, użati għall-operazzjonijiet taż-żejt u tal-gass offshore jew b’konnessjoni ma’ tali operazzjonijiet. Installazzjonijiet jinkludi unitajiet tat-tħaffir mobbli offshore biss meta jkunu stazzjonati f’ilmijiet offshore għal attivitiajiet ta’ tħaffir, produzzjoni jew attivitiajiet oħrajn assoċjati ma’ operazzjonijiet taż-żejt u tal-gass offshore.
Iekārta (Latvian)
“iekārta” ir stacionāra, nostiprināta vai mobila ietaise vai vairākas ietaises, kas ir pastāvīgi savā starpā savienotas ar tiltiem vai citām struktūrām un kuras izmanto naftas un gāzes nozares darbībām jūrā vai saistībā ar šādām darbībām. Iekārtas ietver mobilas iekārtas urbšanai jūrā tikai tādā gadījumā, ja tās ir izvietotas jūras ūdeņos, lai veiktu urbšanas, ieguves vai citas ar naftas un gāzes nozari saistītas darbības.
Rajatis (Estonian)
„rajatis”– paikne fikseeritud või teisaldatav rajatis või kombineeritud rajatised, mis on püsivalt ühendatud sildade või muude struktuuridega ning mida kasutatakse avamere nafta- ja gaasiammutamisprotsessideks või seoses nende protsessidega. Rajatised hõlmavad teisaldatavaid avamere puurplatvorme üksnes juhul, kui need on paigaldatud avamere vetesse puurimiseks, tootmiseks või muudeks avamere nafta- ja gaasiammutamisprotsessidega seotud tegevusteks.
Zařízením (Czech)
„zařízením“ stacionární, pevně ukotvené nebo mobilní zařízení nebo soubor zařízení, která jsou vzájemně trvale propojena mosty nebo jinými konstrukcemi, jež jsou používány k činnostem v odvětví ropy a zemního plynu v moři nebo v souvislosti s těmito činnostmi. Mobilní vrtné jednotky na moři jsou považovány za zařízení pouze v případě, že jsou v pobřežních vodách ukotveny za účelem vrtání vrtu, těžby nebo jiných činností souvisejících s ropou a zemním plynem v moři.
инсталация (Bulgarian)
„инсталация“ означава стационарно, трайно прикрепено или подвижно съоръжение или комбинация от съоръжения, постоянно свързани помежду си с мостове или други конструкции, използвани за свързани с нефт и газ дейности в крайбрежни води или във връзка с такива дейности. Инсталациите включват подвижни крайбрежни сондажни съоръжения единствено когато са разположени в крайбрежни води за целите на дейностите по сондаж, добив или други свързани с нефт и газ дейности в крайбрежни води.