
Mobile Offshore Unit

Mobile platform, including drilling ships, equipped for drilling for subsea hydrocarbon deposits and mobile platform for purposes other than production and storage of hydrocarbon deposits.

Note 1 to entry: Includes mobile offshore drilling units, including drillships, accommodation units, construction and pipelay units, and well servicing and well stimulation vessels.

Source: ISO 13702:2015, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Control and mitigation of fires and explosions on offshore production installations — Requirements and guidelines, Second Edition, August 2015. Global Standards

Mobile Offshore Unit (MOU)

A vessel which can be readily relocated to perform an industrial function related to offshore oil, gas, or sulphur exploration or exploitation. Such vessels include mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs), lift boats and other units involved in construction, maintenance (including the maintenance of wells) and lifting operations associated with offshore facilities. Mobile offshore units normally do not include vessels such as: supply vessels, standby vessels, anchor handling vessels, or seismic survey vessels.

Source: API RP 75, Recommended Practice for Development of a Safety and Environmental Management Program for Offshore Operations and Facilities: Upstream Segment, Third Edition, May 2004. Global Standards


Mobile Offshore Unit

Mobile offshore units (MOUs) means vessels which can be readily relocated and which can perform an industrial function involving offshore operations other than those traditionally provided by vessels covered by chapter I of the 1974 SOLAS Convention. Such MOUs include at least the following:

  1. column-stabilized unit is a MOU with the main deck connected to the underwater hull or footings by columns or caissons;
  2. non-self-propelled unit is a MOU not fitted with mechanical means of propulsion to navigate independently;
  3. self-elevating unit is a MOU with movable legs capable of raising its hull above the surface of the sea;
  4. self-propelled unit is a MOU fitted with a mechanical means of propulsion to navigate independently;
  5. submersible unit is an MOU with a ship-shape, barge-type or novel hull design (other than a self-elevating unit) intended for operation while bottom bearing; and
  6. surface unit is a MOU with a ship- or barge-type displacement hull of single- or multiple-hull configuration intended for operation in the floating condition.

Source: IMO Resolution A.1079(28), Recommendations for the Training and Certification of Personnel on Mobile Offshore Units (MOUs), Adopted on 4 December 2013, International Maritime Organization, Regulatory Guidance

Mobile Offshore Unit

Offshore structure designed such that it can be routinely relocated Note 1 to entry: Mobile offshore unit is also known as MOU.

Source: ISO 19900:2013, Petroleum and natural gas industries – General requirements for offshore structures. Global Standards


Mobile Offshore Unit

Mobile platform, including drilling ships, equipped for drilling for subsea hydrocarbon deposits and/or for purposes other than production and storage of hydrocarbon deposits.

Source: ISO 15544:2000, Petroleum and natural gas industries – Offshore production installations – Requirements and guidelines for emergency. Global Standards


Mobile Offshore Unit

A buoyant construction engaged in offshore operations including drilling, production, storage or support functions, not intended for service at one particular offshore location, and which can be relocated without major dismantling or modification.

Source: Rules for Classification – Offshore units, DNVGL-OU-0101, Offshore drilling and support units, DNV GL, July 2015. Global Standards

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