

The property of a porous medium which is a measure of the capacity of the medium to transmit fluids within its interconnected pore network. The usual unit of measurement is the millidarcy, or 0.001 darcy.

Source: API BULLETIN E3, Environmental Guidance Document: Well Abandonment and Inactive Well Practices for U.S. Exploration and Production Operations, First Edition, January 1993 (Reaffirmed June 2000). Global Standards



Measure of the ease with which material can become magnetized. NOTE Permeability is the ratio of flux density and magnetizing force, i.e. B/H.

Source: API RP 5A5, Field Inspection of New Casing, Tubing, and Plain-end Drill Pipe, Reaffirmed August 2010. Global Standards



Measure of the capacity of a porous medium to allow flow of fluids or gases. NOTE Permeability is usually expressed in millidarcy, mD.

Source: API RP 10B-2, Recommended Practice for Testing Well Cements, First Edition, July 2005 (Reaffirmed: July 2010). Global Standards



Permeability of a space means the ratio of the volume within that space which is assumed to be occupied by water to the total volume of that space.

Source: Resolution MEPC.119(52), 2004 amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code), 15 October 2004, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance


Permeability (μ)

Permeability ( of a space is the proportion of the immersed volume of that space which can be occupied by water. <Chapter II-1, regulation 2>.

Source: IMO Resolution MSC.216(82), amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, 8 December 2006, International Maritime Organization. Legislation



“Permeability” in relation to a space is the ratio of the volume within that space which is assumed to be occupied by water to the total volume of that space.

Source: IMO Resolution MSC.266(84), Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008 (2008 SPS Code), 13 May 2008, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance

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