Pressure Maintenance
“Pressure maintenance” means the injection of gas or other fluid into a reservoir, either to increase or maintain the existing pressure in such reservoir or to retard the natural decline in the reservoir pressure.
Source: Oil and gas Conservation, North Dakota Administrative Code, Chapter 43-02-03, April 2012. Regulations
Pressure Maintenance
“Pressure maintenance” means the injection of gas or other fluid into a reservoir, either to maintain the reservoir’s existing pressure or to retard the reservoir pressure’s natural decline.
Source: Oil and Gas, New Mexico Administrative Code Title 19, Chapter 15, January 2013. Regulations
Pressure Maintenance
The injection of fluid into the reservoir for the purpose of maintaining the reservoir pressure at or near the bubble point or other critical pressure wherein fluid injection volumes are not sufficient to refill existing reservoir voidage in the approved project area and displace oil that would not be displaced by primary recovery operations.
Source: Oil and Gas Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 3, February 2013. Regulations