
Reasonable Opportunities

In subsection (1), reasonable opportunities means opportunities that are reasonable in the circumstances, having regard to relevant matters such as—
(a) the number of employees employed by the employer; and
(b) the number of different places of work for the employees and the distance between them; and
(c) the likely potential sources or causes of harm in the place of work; and
(d) the nature of the work that is performed and the way that it is arranged or managed by the employer; and
(e) the nature of the employment arrangements, including the extent and regularity of employment of seasonal or temporary employees; and
(f) the willingness of employees and unions to develop employee participation systems; and
(g) the overriding duty to act in good faith.

Source: Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, Public Act 1992 No 96, New Zealand, as of 1 July 2011. Legislation

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