

“Reservoir” means the same as “pool” in AS 31.05.170.

Source: Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Definitions, Alaska Admin. Code tit. 20, § 25.990, December 7, 2012. Regulations



An economic hydrocarbon-bearing zone.

Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards



A roofed excavation for the storage of petroleum liquids.

Source: Petroleum Safety Orders–Drilling and Production, Definitions, California Code of Regulations, 8 CCR § 6505, December 2012. Regulations



“Reservoir” means pool or common source of supply.

Source: Oil and gas Conservation, North Dakota Administrative Code, Chapter 43-02-03, April 2012. Regulations



A storage tank for BOP control system fluid.

Source: API SPEC 16D, Specification for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems for Diverter Equipment, Upstream Segment, Second Edition, July 2004. Global Standards


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