Safety Margin
Safety margin means adjustments made to compensate for uncertainties in the methods and assumptions used to evaluate the alternative design, e.g. in the
determination of performance criteria or in the engineering models used to assess the consequences of fire.
Source: IMO MSC.1/Circ.1002, Guidelines on alternative design and arrangements for fire safety, 26 June 2001, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance
Safety Margin
Safety margin means adjustments made to compensate for uncertainties in the methods and assumptions used to evaluate the alternative design, e.g. in the determination of performance criteria or in the engineering models used to assess the consequences of a casualty.
Source: IMO MSC.1/Circ.1212, Guidelines on alternative design and arrangements for SOLAS chapters II-1 and III, 15 December 2006, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance