
Surface Waste Management Facility

“Surface waste management facility” means a facility that receives oil field waste for collection, disposal, evaporation, remediation, reclamation, treatment or storage except:
(a) a facility that utilizes underground injection wells subject to division regulation pursuant to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, and does not manage oil field wastes on the ground in pits, ponds, below-grade tanks or land application units;
(b) a facility permitted pursuant to the New Mexico environmental improvement board rules or WQCC rules;
(c) a temporary pit as defined in 19.15.17 NMAC;
(d) a below-grade tank or pit that receives oil field waste from a single well, permitted pursuant to 19.15.37 NMAC, regardless of the capacity or volume of oil field waste received;
(e) a facility located at an oil and gas production facility and used for temporary storage of oil field waste generated on-site from normal operations, if the facility does not pose a threat to fresh water, public health, safety or the environment;
(f) a remediation conducted in accordance with a division-approved abatement plan pursuant to 19.15.30 NMAC, a corrective action pursuant to 19.15.29 NMAC or a corrective action of a non-reportable release;
(g) a facility operating pursuant to a division emergency order;
(h) a site or facility where the operator is conducting emergency response operations to abate an immediate threat to fresh water, public health, safety or the environment or as the division has specifically directed or approved; or
(i) a facility that receives only exempt oil field waste, receives less than 50 barrels of liquid water per day (averaged over a 30-day period), has a capacity to hold 500 barrels of liquids or less and is permitted pursuant to 19.15.17 NMAC.

Source: Oil and Gas, New Mexico Administrative Code Title 19, Chapter 15, January 2013. Regulations


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