

“Waste” means:

  1. As applied to the production of oil, in addition to its ordinary meaning, “shall include economic waste, underground waste, including water encroachment in the oil or gas bearing strata; the use of reservoir energy for oil producing purposes by means or methods that unreasonably interfere with obtaining from the common source of supply the largest ultimate recovery of oil; surface waste and waste incident to the production of oil in excess of transportation or marketing facilities or reasonable market demands.” [52 O.S.A., 86.2]
  2. As applied to gas, in addition to its ordinary meaning, shall include economic waste; “the inefficient or wasteful utilization of gas in the operation of oil wells drilled to and producing from a common source of supply; the inefficient or wasteful utilization of gas in the operation of gas wells drilled to and producing from a common source of supply; the production of gas in such quantities or in such manner as unreasonably to reduce reservoir pressure or unreasonably to diminish the quantity of oil or gas that might be recovered from a common source of supply; the escape, directly or indirectly, of gas from oil wells producing from a common source of supply into the open air in excess of the amount necessary in the efficient drilling, completion or operation thereof; waste incident to the production of natural gas in excess of transportation and marketing facilities or reasonable market demand; the escape, blowing, or releasing, directly or indirectly, into the open air, of gas from well productive of gas only, drilled into any common source of supply, save only such as is necessary in the efficient drilling and completion thereof; and the unnecessary depletion or inefficient utilization of gas energy contained in a common source of supply.” [52 O.S.A. §86.3]
  3. The use of gas for the manufacture of carbon black or similar products predominately carbon, except as specifically authorized by the Commission, shall constitute waste.
  4. The flaring of tail gas at gasoline, pressure maintenance, or recycling plants where a market is available.

Source: Corporation Commission, Oil and Gas Conservation, Oklahoma Administrative Code 165:10, February 2013. Regulations

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