Primary Equipment

Primary Equipment


Primary Equipment

Pieces of equipment that cannot normally be isolated from well fluid or well pressure. Source: API RP 17A Addendum 1, Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems—General Requirements and Recommendations, December 2010. Global Standards
Primary Explosive

Primary Explosive


Primary Explosive

A very sensitive explosive compound used as the first material in an explosive train that is initiated by the appropriate application of flame, friction, heat, impact, or spark. Also referred to as primary high explosive. Source: API RP 67, Recommended Practice for Oilfield Explosives Safety, Upstream Segment, Second Edition, May 2007. Global Standards
Primary Grade of Release

Primary Grade of Release


Primary Grade of Release

Release which can be expected to occur periodically or occasionally during normal operation. Source: IEC 61892-7, Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations – Part 7: Hazardous areas. Global Standards  
Primary Load

Primary Load


Primary Load

Axial load to which the equipment is subjected in operation. Source: API RP 8B, Recommended Practice for Procedures for Inspections, Maintenance, Repair and Remanufacture of Hoisting Equipment, Seventh Edition, March 2002 (Reaffirmed: August 2012). Global Standards  

Primary Load

Load which is independent of structural deformation in the riser and induces an internal force that is necessary to satisfy the laws of static equilibrium. NOTE The internal force acts as long as the load is applied, and does not diminish when yielding occurs. EXAMPLE Internal pressure, external hydrostatic pressure, self-weight, contents and buoyancy of the riser. Source: API RP 17G, Recommended Practice for Completion/Workover Risers, Second Edition, July 2006 (Reaffirmed April 2011). Global Standards  

Primary Load

Load that arises within the equipment when the equipment is performing its primary design function. Source: API SPEC 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment Upstream Segment, Fifth Edition, June 2010 (August 2010). Global Standards Source:API SPECIFICATION 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment, Sixth Edition, December 2015. Global Standards  

Primary Load

Axial load that equipment is subjected to in operations. Source: API SPEC 8C, Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment (PSL 1 and PSL 2), Fifth Edition, April 2012. Global Standards
Primary Load Path Parts

Primary Load Path Parts


Primary Load Path Parts

Primary load path parts are those intended to control or regulate the movement of pressurized fluids (pressure controlling) and/or those whose failure to function as intended would result in the release of retained fluid to the atmosphere (pressure containing). Source: API SPEC 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment Upstream Segment, Fifth Edition, June 2010 (August 2010). Global Standards Source:API SPECIFICATION 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment, Sixth Edition, December 2015. Global Standards
Primary Load-bearing Components

Primary Load-bearing Components


Primary Load-bearing Components

The primary load-bearing components for a mud pump shall be defined as those containing the discharge pressure, with the exception of expendable items and closure components such as liners, pistons, piston rods, packing, packing glands, valves and seats, covers, heads, clamps, bushings, plugs, and fasteners.

Source:API SPECIFICATION 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment, Sixth Edition, December 2015. Global Standards
Primary Load-carrying Equipment

Primary Load-carrying Equipment


Primary Load-carrying Equipment

Equipment (parts or members) whose failure can compromise the integrity of the entire riser string.

Source: API Specification 16Q, Design, Selection, Operation, and Maintenance of Marine Drilling Riser Systems, Second Edition, April 2017. Global Standards
Primary Location Instruments

Primary Location Instruments


Primary Location Instruments

Location where the instruments normally used to monitor flow conditions are located. Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards
Primary Marking

Primary Marking


Primary marking

Primary marking is defined as marking of major structural members and systems that need to be identified for operational, installation, and retrieval purpose. Source: API Recommended Practice 17H, Remotely Operated Tools and Interfaces on Subsea Production Systems, Second Edition, June 2013 (Addendum 1, October 2014). Global Standards

Primary marking

Primary marking is defined as the marking of major structural members and systems that need to be identified for operational, installation and retrieval purposes. Recommended character height for marking of symbols is 170 mm (6,693 in) to 500 mm (19,685 in). Source: API RP 17A, Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems—General Requirements and Recommendations, Fourth Edition, Reaffirmed 2011. Global Standards  
Primary Means of Escape

Primary Means of Escape


Primary Means of Escape

Fixed stairways or fixed ladders of non-combustible construction. Source: API RP 14G, Recommended Practice for Fire Prevention and Control on Fixed Open-type Offshore Production Platforms: Upstream Segment, Fourth Edition, April 2007. Global Standards  
Primary Method

Primary Method


Primary Method, of Evacuation

Preferred method of leaving the installation in an emergency which can be carried out in a fully controlled manner under the direction of the person in charge. Source: ISO 15544:2000, Petroleum and natural gas industries – Offshore production installations – Requirements and guidelines for emergency. Global Standards  
Primary Process Piping

Primary Process Piping


Primary Process Piping

Process piping in normal, active service that cannot be valved-off or, if it were valved off, would significantly affect unit operability. Primary process piping typically does not include small bore or auxiliary process piping (see also secondary process piping). Source: API 570, Piping Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping Systems, Fourth Edition, February 2016, with Addendum May 2017. Global Standards
Primary Stakeholders

Primary Stakeholders


Primary Stakeholders

Those individuals or groups who are directly impacted (positively or negatively) by the project, including beneficiaries of the project. Primary stakeholders typically have a heightened interest in the project and have the ability to strongly influence its progress (positively or negatively). Source: Identifying and assessing water sources: Guidance document for the onshore oil and gas industry, International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA), 2014. Global Standards
Primary Stress

Primary Stress


Primary Stress

Stress that satisfies the laws of equilibrium of pressure, external force and moment (i.e. load effects). NOTE 1 Regarding the mechanical behaviour of a structure, the basic characteristic of this type of stress is that in case of (non-admissible) increment of external load, the deformations upon full plasticification of the section considerably increases without being self-limiting. NOTE 2 Regarding primary stress, distinction is made between membrane stress and bending stress with respect to their distribution across the cross-section governing the load-carrying behaviour. Primary membrane stress is defined as the average value of the respective stress components distributed over the section governing the load-carrying behaviour. Primary bending stress is defined as primary stress distributed linearly across the considered section and proportional to the distance from the neutral axis. NOTE 3 Regarding the distribution of membrane stress along the wall, distinction is made between general primary membrane stress and local primary membrane stress. Membrane stress due to gross structural discontinuities (e.g. integral attachments) is considered as local. Source: API RP 17G, Recommended Practice for Completion/Workover Risers, Second Edition, July 2006 (Reaffirmed April 2011). Global Standards  

Primary Stress

A primary stress is one that is induced by the external loads or preload and is necessary to satisfy the laws of static equilibrium. Examples of primary stress are the membrane stress in a rod loaded by an axial force and the bending stress in a simple beam. Source: API SPEC 16R, Specification for Marine Drilling Riser Couplings, Exploration and Production Department, First Edition, January 1997. Global Standards  

Primary Stress

Normal or shear stress developed by the imposed loading which is necessary to satisfy the laws of equilibrium of external and internal forces and moments (ASME BPVC, Section VIII, Division 2, Paragraph 5.12). NOTE The basic characteristic of a primary stress is that it is not self-limiting. Primary stresses that considerably exceed the yield strength will result in failure or at least in gross distortion. A general primary membrane stress is one that is distributed in the structure such that no redistribution of load occurs as a result of yielding. Source: API TR 1PER15K-1, Protocol for Verification and Validation of High-pressure High-temperature Equipment, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards  
Primary Structural Damage

Primary Structural Damage


Primary Structural Damage

Damage which can result from lightning strike to units which do not provide a path of low resistance to earth for the passage of lightning currents, for example units of non-metallic construction or those having substantial non-metallic members. Source: IEC 61892-6, Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations – Part 6: Installation, Third Edition, December  2013. Global Standards Source: IEC 61892-6, Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations – Part 6: Installation. Global Standards
Primary Structure

Primary Structure


Primary Structure

Load-carrying and supporting frames and load-carrying panels.
  • NOTE: Primary structure includes, but is not limited to, the following structural components:
— load-carrying and supporting frames; — load-carrying panels; — forklift pockets; — pad eyes; — supports for heavy equipment; — corner/knee brackets.

— internal securing points

Source: API Standard 2CCU, Offshore Cargo Carrying Units, First Edition, August 2017. Global Standards
Primary Well Barrier

Primary Well Barrier


Primary Well Barrier

First set of well barrier elements that prevent flow from a source of inflow. Source: ISO 16530-1:2017, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Well integrity – Part 1: Life cycle governance, First Edition, March 2017. Global Standards

Primary Well Barrier

First set of barrier elements that prevents flow from a source. Source: API RP 90, Annular Casing Pressure Management for Offshore Wells, Upstream Segment. First Edition, August 2006. Global Standards
Primary Well Control

Primary Well Control


Primary Well Control

Prevention of formation fluid flow by maintaining a hydrostatic pressure equal to or greater than formation pressure. Source: API RP 59, Recommended Practice for Well Control Operations, Second Edition, May 2006. Global Standards Source: API RP 64, Recommended Practice for Diverter Systems Equipment and Operations, Second Edition, November 2001 (March 1, 2007). Global Standards
Primary-Load-Carrying Component

Primary-Load-Carrying Component


Primary-Load-Carrying Component

Component of the equipment through which the primary load is carried. Source: API RP 8B, Recommended Practice for Procedures for Inspections, Maintenance, Repair and Remanufacture of Hoisting Equipment, Seventh Edition, March 2002 (Reaffirmed: August 2012). Global Standards Source: API SPEC 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment Upstream Segment, Fifth Edition, June 2010 (August 2010). Global Standards Source:API SPECIFICATION 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment, Sixth Edition, December 2015. Global Standards Source: API SPEC 8C, Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment (PSL 1 and PSL 2), Fifth Edition, April 2012. Global Standards
Prime Pipe

Prime Pipe


Prime Pipe

Pipe meeting all of the specified inspection and testing requirements. Source: API RP 5A5, Field Inspection of New Casing, Tubing, and Plain-end Drill Pipe, Reaffirmed August 2010. Global Standards  
Principal Stress

Principal Stress


Principal Stress

Stress on a principal plane for which the shear stress is zero. NOTE For any general state of stress at any point, there exist three mutually perpendicular planes at that point on which shearing stresses are zero. The remaining normal stress components on these three planes are principal stresses. The largest of these three stresses is called the maximum principal stress. Source: API TR 5C3, Technical Report on Equations and Calculations for Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Used as Casing or Tubing; and Performance Properties Tables for Casing and Tubing, Upstream Segment, First Edition, December 2008. Global Standards  
Prior Exposure

Prior Exposure


Prior Exposure

The historical exposure of a platform to the design metocean, seismic, or ice loading. Source: API RP 2SIM, Structural Integrity Management of Fixed Offshore Structures, First Edition, November 2014. Global Standards




The assurance that the confidentiality of, and access to, certain information about an entity is protected. Extended Definition: The ability of individuals to understand and exercise control over how information about themselves may be used by others. From: NIST SP 800-130; Adapted from: DHS personnel. Source: NICCS™ Portal Cybersecurity Lexicon, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies ( as of 11 November 2015, Global Standards
Private Key

Private Key


Private Key

A cryptographic key that must be kept confidential and is used to enable the operation of an asymmetric (public key) cryptographic algorithm. Extended Definition: The secret part of an asymmetric key pair that is uniquely associated with an entity. Adapted from: CNSSI 4009, NIST SP 800-63 Rev 1, FIPS 201-2, FIPS 140-2, Federal Bridge Certificate Authority Certification Policy 2.25. Source: NICCS™ Portal Cybersecurity Lexicon, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies ( as of 11 November 2015, Global Standards
Proactive MPD

Proactive MPD


Proactive MPD

Using MPD methods and/or equipment to actively control the pressure profile throughout the exposed wellbore. Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards
Probabilistic Method

Probabilistic Method


Probabilistic Method

Approach which uses distributions of geometric and material property values to calculate a distribution of performance property values. Source: API TR 5C3, Technical Report on Equations and Calculations for Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Used as Casing or Tubing; and Performance Properties Tables for Casing and Tubing, Upstream Segment, First Edition, December 2008. Global Standards  
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis


Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Framework permitting the identification, quantification, and rational combination of uncertainties in earthquakes' intensity, location, rate of recurrence, and variations in ground motion characteristics. Source:API RP 2EQ, Seismic Design Procedures and Criteria for Offshore Structures, First Edition, November 2014. Global Standards




Numerical value between zero and one assigned to a random event (which is a subset of the sample space) in such a way that the assigned number obeys three axioms: 1) the probability of the random event "A" must be equal to, or lie between, zero and one; 2) the probability that the outcome is within the sample space must equal one; and

3) the probability that the random event "A" or "B" occurs must equal the probability of the random event "A" plus the probability of the random event "B" for any two mutually exclusive events.

Source:API STANDARD 780, Security Risk Assessment Methodology for the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries, First Edition, May 2013. Global Standards


Numerical value between zero and one assigned to a random event (which is a subset of the sample space) in such a way that the assigned number obeys three axioms: (1) the probability of the random event ―A‖ must be equal to, or lie between, zero and one; (2) the probability that the outcome is within the sample space must equal one; and (3) the probability that the random event ―A‖ or ―B‖ occurs must equal the probability of the random event ―A‖ plus the probability of the random event ―B‖ for any two mutually exclusive events. Sample Usage: The probability of a coin landing on "heads" is 1/2. Annotation:
  1. 1.Probability can be roughly interpreted as the percent chance that something will occur. For example, a weather forecaster’s estimate of a 30 percent chance of rain in the Washington, DC area is equivalent to a probability of 0.3 that rain will occur somewhere in Washington, DC.
  2. 2.A probability of 0 indicates the occurrence is impossible; 1 indicates that the occurrence will definitely happen.
  3. 3.Probability is used colloquially as a synonym for likelihood, but in statistical usage there is a clear distinction.
  4. 4.The probability that event A occurs is written as P(A).
  5. 5.Event A and event B are mutually exclusive if they cannot occur at the same time. For example, a coin toss can result in either heads or tails, but both outcomes cannot happen simultaneously.
  6. 6.Event A and event B are statistically independent if the occurrence of one event has no impact on the probability of the other. Examples of two events that are independent are the systems designed to prevent an attack as described the Fault Tree example and Event Tree example. The probability that the Personnel Action to Stop Attack is successful is not affected by whether the Security Equipment to Stop Attack is successful and vice versa. Two events that may not be independent are the collapse of a bridge and the occurrence of a major earthquake in the area. Clearly the probability of a bridge collapse can be affected by the occurrence of a major earthquake. However, the two events may also be independent: a bridge can survive an earthquake and a bridge can collapse in the absence of any earthquake.
  7. 7.Conditional probability is the probability of some event A, given the occurrence of some other event B, written as P(A|B). An example is the conditional probability of a person dying (event A), given that they contract the pandemic flu (event B).
  8. 8.Joint probability is the probability of two events occurring in conjunction -that is, the probability that event A and event B both occur, written as ) or P(AB) and pronounced A intersect B. The probability of someone dying from the pandemic flu is equal to the joint probability of someone contracting the flu (event A) and the flu killing them (event B). Joint probabilities are regularly used in Probabilistic Risk Assessments and Event Trees.
  9. 9.Conditional and joint probabilities are related by the following formula:
P(A|B) = P(AB)/P(B) (1) If events A and B are statistically independent then P(A|B) = P(A) and the relationship (1) above becomes P(A) × P(B) = P(AB) Consequently, for statistically independent events, the joint probability of event A and event B is equal to the product of their individual probabilities. An example of the joint probability of two independent events is given in the Event Tree example. If the probability that Personnel Action to Stop Attack fails equals P(A) and the probability that Security Equipment to Stop Attack fails equals P(B) then Probability of Successful Attack = P(AB) = P(A) × P(B) = 0.1 × 0.3 = 0.03 as calculated in the Event Tree example (see Figure A on page 14). 10.Marginal probability is the unconditional probability of event A, P(A). It is the probability of A regardless of whether event B did or did not occur. If B can be thought of as the event of a random variable X having a given outcome, then the marginal probability of A can be obtained by summing (or integrating, more generally) the joint probabilities over all outcomes for X. Suppose, for example, that event A is the occurrence of an illegal person entering the country and X is the random variable of where he entered the country. Then there are two possible outcomes of X: either he entered through an official point of entry (event B), or he did not (event B’ pronounced B-not). Then the probability of the person entering the country, P(A), is equal to the sum of the joint probabilities of him entering by traveling through a point of entry plus the probability of him entering by not traveling through a point of entry. P(A) = P(AB) + P(AB’). This is called marginalization. Source: DHS Risk Lexicon, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2010 Edition. September 2010 Regulatory Guidance


Measure of the chance of occurrence expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is impossibility and 1 is absolute certainty. NOTE See definition, Note 2. Source: ISO Guide 73:2009(E/F), Risk Management – Vocabulary, First Edition, 2009. Global Standards
Probability of Exceedance

Probability of Exceedance


Probability of Exceedance

Probability that a variable (or that an event) exceeds a specified reference level given exposure time. EXAMPLE Examples of probabilities of exceedance during a given exposure time are the annual probability of exceedance of a specified magnitude of ground acceleration, ground velocity, or ground displacement. Source:API RP 2EQ, Seismic Design Procedures and Criteria for Offshore Structures, First Edition, November 2014. Global Standards
Probability of Failure on Demand

Probability of Failure on Demand


Probability of Failure on Demand PFD

3.1.15 unavailability as per 3.1.12 in the functional safety standard terminology (e.g. IEC 61508[2]) Note 1 to entry: “Failure on demand” means here “failure likely to be observed when a demand occurs”. This encompasses both the failure occurred before the demand and the failure occurring due to the demand itself. Then this term needs not to be mixed up with the probability of a failure due to a demand (see 3.2.13). Source: ISO/TR 12489:2013(E) Reliability modelling and calculation of safety systems. Global Standards