'Exploration' means drilling into a prospect and all related offshore oil and gas operations necessary prior to production-related operations.
Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation
Exploration means the commercial search for oil, gas, or sulphur. Activities classified as exploration include but are not limited to:
- Geophysical and geological (G&G) surveys using magnetic, gravity, seismic reflection, seismic refraction, gas sniffers, coring, or other systems to detect or imply the presence of oil, gas, or sulphur; and
- Any drilling conducted for the purpose of searching for commercial quantities of oil, gas, and sulphur, including the drilling of any additional well needed to delineate any reservoir to enable the lessee to decide whether to proceed with development and production.
Source: Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 250 (2013). Regulations
Exploration means the process of searching for minerals, including, but not limited to,
- Geophysical surveys where magnetic, gravity, seismic, or other systems are used to detect or imply the presence of such minerals, and
- Any drilling, whether on or off known geological structures, including the drilling of a well in which a discovery of oil or natural gas in paying quantities is made and the drilling of any additional delineation well after the discovery which is needed to delineate any reservoir and to enable the lessee to determine whether to proceed with development and production.
Source: Outer Continental Shelf Activities, 33 CFR 140-147 (2013). Regulations
Geological, petrophysical, geophysical, geochemical and geotechnical activities, including shallow drilling, as well as operation and use of a facility to the extent it is used for the purpose of exploration.
Source: Act 29 November 1996 No. 72 Relating to Petroleum Activities, Norway, amended June 2011. Legislation
Geophysical, seismographic and geological operations, including their administrative and engineering aspects, construction, maintenance, materials supply, and transportation of personnel and equipment; excludes drilling.
Source: OGP Report No. 456, Process Safety – Recommended Practice on Key Performance Indicators, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, November 2011. Global Standards
Exploratie (Dutch)
„exploratie”: het boren op vindplaatsen en alle daarmee verband houdende offshore olie- en gasactiviteiten die noodzakelijk zijn voordat met de productieactiviteiten wordt begonnen.
Exploration (French)
«exploration», le forage d’un prospect et toutes les opérations pétrolières et gazières connexes en mer nécessaires avant le lancement des opérations liées à la production.
Efterforskning (Danish)
»efterforskning«: boring i et prospekt og alle tilknyttede offshore olie- og gasaktiviteter, der er nødvendige forud for produktionsrelaterede aktiviteter.
Exploración (Spanish)
«exploración»: la perforación en un objetivo exploratorio así como todas las operaciones pertinentes relacionadas con el petróleo y el gas mar adentro que sean necesarias antes de las operaciones relativas a la producción.
Explorare (Romanian)
„explorare” înseamnă forarea în terenul prospectat și toate operațiunile petroliere și gaziere offshore necesare înainte de operațiunile legate de producție.
Exploration (German)
„Exploration“ das Niederbringen einer Erkundungsbohrung und alle damit zusammenhängenden Offshore-Erdöl- und -Erdgasaktivitäten, die vor Beginn des Förderbetriebs erforderlich sind.
εξερεύνηση (Greek)
«εξερεύνηση» σημαίνει την ανόρυξη γεώτρησης σε περιοχή αναζήτησης και όλες τις συναφείς υπεράκτιες εργασίες πετρελαίου και φυσικού αερίου πριν από τις εργασίες που σχετίζονται με την παραγωγή.
Esplorazione (Italian)
«esplorazione»: perforazione nell’ambito di una prospezione e tutte le operazioni in mare connesse nel settore degli idrocarburi che devono essere effettuate prima delle operazioni connesse alla produzione.
Poszukiwanie (Polish)
„poszukiwanie” oznacza wiercenia poszukiwawcze i wszelką powiązaną działalność związaną ze złożami ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego na obszarach morskich, niezbędną do rozpoczęcia działalności związanej z wydobyciem.
Pesquisa (Portuguese)
«Pesquisa», a realização de sondagens para a avaliação de prospetos e todas as operações conexas offshore de petróleo e gás que é necessário efetuar antes das operações relacionadas com a produção.
Prospektering (Swedish)
prospektering: borrning i ett prospekteringsområde och all relaterad olje- och gasverksamhet till havs som föregår produktionsrelaterad verksamhet.
Etsinnällä (Finnish)
’etsinnällä’ tarkoitetaan esiintymän porausta ja kaikkea siihen liittyvää merellä tapahtuvaa öljyn- ja kaasunporaustoimintaa, joka on tarpeen ennen tuotantoon liittyvää toimintaa.
Raziskovanje (Slovenian)
„raziskovanje“ pomeni vrtanje v morebitno nahajališče in vse povezane naftne in plinske dejavnosti na morju, ki so potrebne pred dejavnostmi, povezanimi s proizvodnjo.
Prieskum (Slovak)
„prieskum“ je vrt v prieskumnom území a všetky súvisiace operácie prieskumu ložísk a ťažby ropy a zemného plynu na mori, ktoré je treba vykonať pred operáciami súvisiacimi s ťažbou.
žvalgymas (Lithuanian)
žvalgymas – žvalgomųjų gręžinių gręžimas ir visos susijusios naftos ir dujų operacijos jūroje, kurias būtina atlikti prieš atliekant su gavyba susijusias operacijas.
Feltárás (Hungarian)
„feltárás”: fúrás valamely potenciális olaj- vagy gázlelőhelyen, továbbá a termeléshez kapcsolódó tevékenységeket megelőzően szükséges valamennyi kapcsolódó tengeri olaj- és gázipari tevékenység.
Esplorazzjoni (Maltese)
‘esplorazzjoni’ tfisser it-tħaffir fi prospett u l-operazzjonijiet kollha relatati taż-żejt u tal-gass offshore meħtieġa qabel l-operazzjonijiet relatati mal-produzzjoni.
Izpēte (Latvian)
“izpēte” ir urbšana atradnē un visas ar to saistītās naftas un gāzes nozares darbības jūrā, kas jāveic, pirms tiek sāktas ar ieguvi saistītas darbības.
Uuringud (Estonian)
„uuringud”– puurimine võimalikus maardlas ja igasugused sellega seotud avamere nafta- ja gaasiammutamisprotsessid, mis on vajalikud enne tootmisprotsesside alustamist.
Průzkumem (Czech)
„průzkumem“ vrtání vrtů do výhledového místa a související činnosti v odvětví ropy a zemního plynu nutné dříve, než dojde k činnostem souvisejícím s těžbou.
проучване (Bulgarian)
„проучване“ означава сондирането в даден участък и всички съответни свързани с нефт и газ дейности в крайбрежни води, необходими на етапа преди свързаните с добива дейности.