
Mining Activities

Mining activities: production and exploration activities that are or can be carried out on the basis of a production licence or activities that emanate from reconnaissance surveys for the presence of hydrocarbons within the licence area, or for further data about those hydrocarbons.

Source: Mining Act of the Netherlands, Netherlands, 2003 (as amended up to 2012). Legislation


Mining Activities

Mining activities: activities as meant in Articles1.d up to and including Article 1.d.i and 51.

Source: Mining Act of the Netherlands, Netherlands, 2003 (as amended up to 2012). Legislation


Mining Activities

Mining activities: activities to which Articles 49.1 and 49.5 of the Mijnbouwwet apply.

Source: Mining Decree of the Netherlands, Netherlands, 2003 (as amended in 2007).  Legislation

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