
Multiple Completion

“Multiple completion” means the completion of a well so as to permit production from more than one pool, with the production from each pool completely segregated.

Source: Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Definitions, Alaska Admin. Code tit. 20, § 25.990, December 7, 2012. Regulations


Multiple Completion

Multiple Completion―the completion of any well so as to permit simultaneous production from two or more pools while maintaining segregation of each such pool through the single wellbore to the surface. Segregation and simultaneous production of separate intervals within a recognized pool through a single wellbore to the surface shall not be considered a multiple completion.

Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations


Multiple Completion

“Multiple completion” means the completion of any well so as to permit the production from more than one common source of supply.

Source: Oil and gas Conservation, North Dakota Administrative Code, Chapter 43-02-03, April 2012. Regulations


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