

Riser anti-recoil system. Source: NORSOK D-001, Drilling facilities, Rev. 3, December 2012. Global Standards




Progressive inelastic deformation or strain which can occur in a component that is subjected to variations of mechanical stress, thermal stress, or both (thermal stress ratcheting is partly or wholly caused by thermal stress). NOTE Ratcheting results in a plastic deformation, which increases by about the same amount at each cycle and quickly leads to an unacceptable value. Source: API RP 17G, Recommended Practice for Completion/Workover Risers, Second Edition, July 2006 (Reaffirmed April 2011). Global Standards  
Rate of Penetration (ROP)

Rate of Penetration (ROP)


Rate of Penetration (ROP)

Common term for drilling rate; usually expressed in units of ft/hour or m/hour. Source: API STD 65 – Part 2, Isolating Potential Flow Zones During Well Construction, Upstream Segment, Second Edition, December 2010. Global Standards  
Rate of Rise

Rate of Rise


Rate of Rise

Surge control in which a pressure sensor initiates a device control that is proportional to the rate of pressure increase caused by the surge. Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards
Rated Capacity

Rated Capacity


Rated Capacity

Rated flow of a pressure-relief device, determined in accordance with the pressure design code or regulation and supplied by the manufacturer.
  • NOTE: The capacity marked on the device is the rated capacity on steam, air, gas, or water as required by the applicable code.
Source: API STD 521, Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems, Sixth Edition, January 2014. Global Standards

Rated Capacity

The maximum rated load within crane rated capacity for the given operating conditions. Source: API RP 2D, Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes, Seventh Edition, December 2014. Global Standards

Rated Capacity

The rated load or Safe Working Load (SWL) at specified radii as established by the manufacturer which are the maximum loads at those radii for the conditions specified. Source: API RP 2D, Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes, Seventh Edition, December 2014. Global Standards Source: API RP 2D, Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes, Sixth Edition, May 2007. Global Standards  

Rated Capacity

Maximum load that a lifting appliance is designed to lift under specific conditions NOTE: Rated capacity which corresponds to SWL used by International Labour Organization (ILO) Source: Rules for Classification and Construction, IV Industrial Services, 6 Offshore Technology, 9 Guideline for Personnel Transfers by Means of Lifting Appliances, Edition 2011, Germanischer Lloyd SE, Global Standards
Rated Load

Rated Load


Rated Load

Load used in the product design, analysis, and performance testing

Source: API Specification 16Q, Design, Selection, Operation, and Maintenance of Marine Drilling Riser Systems, Second Edition, April 2017. Global Standards

Rated Load

A nominal applied loading condition used during riser design, analysis and testing based on maximum anticipated service loading. Source: API RP 16Q, Recommended Practice for Design, Selection, Operation and Maintenance of Marine Drilling Riser Systems, First Edition, November 1993 (Reaffirmed August 2001). Global Standards

Rated Load

Maximum operating load, both static and dynamic, to be applied to the equipment.
  • NOTE: The rated load is numerically equivalent to the design load.
Source: API SPEC 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment Upstream Segment, Fifth Edition, June 2010 (August 2010). Global Standards Source:API SPECIFICATION 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment, Sixth Edition, December 2015. Global Standards  

Rated Load

A nominal applied loading condition used during coupling design, analysis, and testing based on a maximum anticipated service loading. Under the rated working load, no average section stress in the riser coupling shall exceed allowable limits established in this specification. Source: API SPEC 16R, Specification for Marine Drilling Riser Couplings, Exploration and Production Department, First Edition, January 1997. Global Standards  

Rated Load

Nominal applied loading condition used during riser design, analysis and testing based on maximum anticipated service loading. See API Spec 16F. Source: ISO 13624-1:2009, Petroleum and natural gas industries – Drilling and production equipment – Part 1:Design and operation of marine drilling riser equipment. Global Standards
Rated Pressure

Rated Pressure


Rated Pressure

Rating for a component, relating to its long-term resistance to failure when subjected to either static or standardized cyclic internal pressure loading. Source: ISO 14692-1:2017, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping — Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials, Second Edition, August 2017. Global Standards

Rated Pressure

Maximum supplier/manufacturer-defined pressure limit; for absolute, external, internal, and barrier differential pressures.

Source:API SPECIFICATION 19TT, Specification for Downhole Well Test Tools and Related Equipment, First Edition, October 2016. Global Standards
Rated Range

Rated Range


Rated Range

Range of tubulars that can be sealed up to the full rated working pressure of the BOP. Source: API Specification 16A, Specification for Drill-through Equipment, Fourth Edition, April 2017. Global Standards
Rated Relieving Capacity

Rated Relieving Capacity


Rated Relieving Capacity

Relieving capacity used as the basis for the application of a pressure-relief device, determined in accordance with the pressure-design code or regulation and supplied by the manufacturer. NOTE The capacity marked on the device is the rated capacity on steam, air, gas or water as required by the applicable code. Source: API STD 521, Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems, Fifth Edition, January 2007 (Addendum May 2008). Global Standards  

Rated Relieving Capacity

Flow capacity of a relief device expressed in terms of air flow at standard or normal conditions at a designated pressure or vacuum. NOTE Rated relieving capacity is expressed in SCFH or Nm3/h. Source: API STD 2000, Venting Atmospheric and Low-pressure Storage Tanks, Sixth Edition, November 2009. Global Standards  
Rated Speed

Rated Speed


Rated Speed

Rate of rotation, motion, or velocity as specified by the manufacturer. Source: API SPEC 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment Upstream Segment, Fifth Edition, June 2010 (August 2010). Global Standards Source:API SPECIFICATION 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment, Sixth Edition, December 2015. Global Standards  

Rated Speed

Rated speed is the crankshaft revolutions per minute at which the rated power occurs as specified on the nameplate and in the Technical File of the marine diesel engine. Source: Resolution MEPC.177(58), amendments to the Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines, 10 October 2008, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance
Rated Temperature

Rated Temperature


Rated Temperature

Maximum design temperature at the rated pressure (3.2.99) determined in accordance with ISO 14692-2 and ISO 14692-3. Source: ISO 14692-1:2017, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping — Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials, Second Edition, August 2017. Global Standards
Rated Working Pressure

Rated Working Pressure


Rated Working Pressure

Maximum internal pressure that the equipment is designed to contain and/or control on surface. Source: API Specification 16A, Specification for Drill-through Equipment, Fourth Edition, April 2017. Global Standards

Rated Working Pressure

The maximum internal pressure that equipment is designed to contain and/or control. Working pressure is not to be confused with test pressure. Source: API RP 54, Recommended Practice for Occupational Safety for Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing Operations, Third Edition, August 1999 (2007). Global Standards Source: API RP 74, Recommended Practice for Occupational Safety for Onshore Oil and Gas Production Operation, First Edition, October 2001 (March 2007). Global Standards  

Rated Working Pressure

Maximum internal pressure that the equipment is designed to contain and/or control. Source: API STANDARD 16AR, Standard for Repair and Remanufacture of Drill-through Equipment, First Edition, April 2017. Global Standards Source: API Technical Report 17TR7, Verification and Validation of Subsea Connectors, First Edition, April 2017. Global Standards Source: API SPEC 6A, Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment, Twentieth Edition, October 2010 (Addendum November 2012). Global Standards Source: NORSOK D-002, Well intervention equipment, Rev. 2, June 2013. Global Standards Source:API SPECIFICATION 7K, Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment, Sixth Edition, December 2015. Global Standards  

Rated working pressure (RWP)

The maximum internal pressure that equipment is designed to contain or control.
  • NOTE 1: Indicative of wellbore wetted rated components or systems.
  • NOTE 2: Rated working pressure should not be confused with test pressure.
Source: API STD 53, Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells, Upstream Segment, Fourth Edition, November 2012. Global Standards  

Rated working pressure

Maximum internal or external pressure that the equipment is designed to contain and/or control.
  • NOTE: The rated working pressure should be defined in terms of applicable loading and environmental conditions.
Source: API TR 1PER15K-1, Protocol for Verification and Validation of High-pressure High-temperature Equipment, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards  

Rated working pressure <water mist nozzles>

maximum service pressure at which a hydraulic device is intended to operate. Source: Resolution A.800(19), Revised Guidelines for Approval of Sprinkler Systems Equivalent to that Referred to in SOLAS Regulation 11-2/12, 23 November 1995, International Maritime Organization, Regulatory guidance  

Rated working pressure

The maximum internal pressure equipment is designed to contain and/or control. Working pressure is not to be confused with test pressure. Source API SPEC 16C, Specification for Choke and Kill Systems, First Edition, January 1993 (Reaffirmed 2001). Global Standards  

Rated working pressure

The maximum internal pressure that equipment is designed to contain or control under normal operating conditions. Source: API SPEC 16D, Specification for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems for Diverter Equipment, Upstream Segment, Second Edition, July 2004. Global Standards  

Rated working pressure

The maximum internal pressure that the equipment is designed to contain and/or control. For an RCD, there is no designated rated working pressure since the maximum internal pressure that the equipment is designed to contain and/or control depends on the operation: dynamic—pipe rotating, stripping—pipe reciprocating or tripped but not rotating and static—no pipe movement. Source: API SPEC 16RCD, Specification for Drill Through Equipment—Rotating Control Devices, Upstream Segment, First Edition, February 2005. Global Standards




The work process of making calculations to establish pressures and temperatures appropriate for a piping system, including design pressure/temperature, MAWP, structural minimums, required thicknesses, etc.

Source: API 570, Piping Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping Systems, Fourth Edition, February 2016, with Addendum May 2017. Global Standards


a person who is a member of a ship’s crew other than the master or an officer. Source: Atlantic Canada Offshore Petroleum Industry, Standard Practice for the Training and Qualifications of Personnel, 2013, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Global Standards
Raw Material

Raw Material


Raw Material

Bar, coil, rod, or wire used to manufacture bolting.

Source: API Specification 20E, Alloy and Carbon Steel Bolting for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries, Second Edition, February 2017. Global Standards
Raw Materials Supplier

Raw Materials Supplier


Raw Materials Supplier

The manufacturer of raw material used to produce qualified bolting defined as the steel mill or forging supplier.
  • NOTE: A distributor is not considered a raw material supplier.
Source: API Specification 20E, Alloy and Carbon Steel Bolting for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries, Second Edition, February 2017. Global Standards

Raw materials supplier

Supplier of raw materials for any of the components of an item of ancillary equipment. Source: API RP 17L2, Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe Ancillary Equipment, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards




Role-based access control. Source:  DNVGL-RP-G108, Cyber security in the oil and gas industry based on IEC 62443, DNV GL, September 2017. Global Standards




Reliability block diagram. Source: ISO 20815:2008, Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries – Production assurance and reliability management. Global Standards  




Risk-based inspection. Source: API 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration, Tenth Edition, May 2014, with Addendum May 2017. Global Standards Source: ISO 20815:2008, Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries – Production assurance and reliability management. Global Standards  


A risk assessment and risk management process that is focused on inspection planning for piping systems for loss of containment in processing facilities, which considers both the probability of failure and consequence of failure due to materials of construction deterioration. See 5.2. Source: API 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration, Tenth Edition, May 2014, with Addendum May 2017. Global Standards  

Risk-based inspection (RBI)

A risk assessment and management process that is focused on inspection planning for loss of containment of pressurized equipment in processing facilities, due to material deterioration. These risks are managed primarily through inspection in order to influence the probability of failure. Source: API 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration Downstream Segment, Ninth Edition, June 2006. Global Standards  


A risk assessment and management process that considers both the probability of failure and consequence of failure due to material deterioration and that is focused on inspection planning for loss of containment of pressurized equipment in processing facilities due to material deterioration. These risks are managed primarily through inspection in order to influence the probability of failure but can also be managed through various other methods to control the probability and consequence of failure.

Source: API 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration, Tenth Edition, May 2014, with Addendum May 2017. Global Standards  


Risk based inspection. Source: Rules for Classification – Offshore units, DNVGL-OU-0101, Offshore drilling and support units, DNV GL, July 2015. Global Standards




Reference break strength. Source: API RP 2SM Design, Manufacture, Installation, and Maintenance of Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Offshore Mooring, Second Edition, July 2014. Global Standards Source: API RP 2SM, Design, Manufacture, Installation, and Maintenance of Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Offshore Mooring, First Edition, July 2014Global Standards


The reference break strength for sample under test.
  • NOTE: 1 For a full rope assembly, RBS is the catalog break strength of the rope.
  • NOTE: 2 For a subrope, RBS is the break strength of the subrope estimated by the manufacturer.
  • NOTE: 3 For a scaled rope, RBS is the break strength of the scaled rope assembly estimated by the manufacturer.
Source: API RP 2SM Design, Manufacture, Installation, and Maintenance of Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Offshore Mooring, Second Edition, July 2014. Global Standards Source: API RP 2SM, Design, Manufacture, Installation, and Maintenance of Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Offshore Mooring, First Edition, July 2014Global Standards




Rotating control device. Source: ABS Guide for Classification and Certification of Managed Pressure Drilling Systems, September 2017. Global Standards Source: API Specification 16Q, Design, Selection, Operation, and Maintenance of Marine Drilling Riser Systems, Second Edition, April 2017. Global Standards Source: API SPEC 16RCD, Specification for Drill Through Equipment—Rotating Control Devices, Upstream Segment, First Edition, February 2005. Global Standards Source: Oil & Gas UK, Guidelines on subsea BOP systems, Issue 1, July 2012, Global Standards  


Drill through equipment designed to allow the rotation of the drill string and containment of pressure by the use of seals or packers that seal against the drill string (drill pipe, casing, etc.). Source: ABS Guide for Classification and Certification of Managed Pressure Drilling Systems, September 2017. Global Standards  


Drill-through device with a rotating seal that allows continued drilling operations while maintaining pressure in the wellbore. Source: API Specification 16Q, Design, Selection, Operation, and Maintenance of Marine Drilling Riser Systems, Second Edition, April 2017. Global Standards
RCD Sealing Element (Packer)

RCD Sealing Element (Packer)


RCD Sealing Element (Packer)

The elastomeric sealing element installed inside the rotating control device to seal around the drill string.

Source: ABS Guide for Classification and Certification of Managed Pressure Drilling Systems, September 2017. Global Standards




Reliability-centred maintenance. Source: API STD 689, Collection and Exchange of Reliability and Maintenance Data for Equipment, First Edition, July 2007. Global Standards Source: ISO 20815:2008, Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries – Production assurance and reliability management. Global Standards Source: Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Mobile Offshore Units, Part 1, Regulations, June 2013, Lloyd’s Register, Global Standards  


Reliability cantered maintenance. Source: Rules for Classification – Offshore units, DNVGL-OU-0101, Offshore drilling and support units, DNV GL, July 2015. Global Standards




Remote control room. Source:  DNVGL-RP-G108, Cyber security in the oil and gas industry based on IEC 62443, DNV GL, September 2017. Global Standards




Resource Conservation & Recovery Act. Source: API RP 49, Recommended Practice for Drilling and Well Servicing Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide, Third Edition, May 2001. Global Standards  


“RCRA” means the federal Resource Recovery and Conservation Act. Source: Oil and Gas, New Mexico Administrative Code Title 19, Chapter 15, January 2013. Regulations  




Member of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), with recognized relevant competence and expertise of petroleum and natural gas activities, and with established rules and procedures for classification/certification of installations in the petroleum and natural gas industries. Source: ISO 18647:2017, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Modular drilling rigs for offshore fixed platforms, First Edition, August 2017. Global Standards  


A classification society being a member of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), with recognized and relevant competence and experience from the synthetic fiber rope activities, and established rules/guidelines for design, manufacturing and testing of synthetic fiber ropes for use in the classification/certification activities.

Source: API RP 2SM Design, Manufacture, Installation, and Maintenance of Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Offshore Mooring, Second Edition, July 2014. Global Standards


Recognized classification society Source: API RP 2SM Design, Manufacture, Installation, and Maintenance of Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Offshore Mooring, Second Edition, July 2014. Global Standards Source: API RP 2SM, Design, Manufacture, Installation, and Maintenance of Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Offshore Mooring, First Edition, July 2014Global Standards Source: ISO 19901-7:2013, Petroleum and natural gas industries – Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 7: Stationkeeping systems for floating offshore structures and mobile offshore units. Global Standards Source: ISO 19905-1:202, Petroleum and natural gas industries – Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units – Part 1: Jack-ups. Global Standards


Member of the international association of classification societies (IACS), with recognized and relevant competence and experience in floating structures, and with established rules and procedures for classification/certification of installations used in petroleum-related activities. Source: ISO 19901-7:2013, Petroleum and natural gas industries – Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 7: Stationkeeping systems for floating offshore structures and mobile offshore units. Global Standards  


Member of the international association of classification societies (IACS), with recognized and relevant competence and experience in jack-ups, and with established rules and procedures for classification/certification of such installations used in petroleum-related activities. NOTE Adapted from ISO 19901-7:2005, definition 3.23. Source: ISO 19905-1:202, Petroleum and natural gas industries – Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units – Part 1: Jack-ups. Global Standards




Radial distance from spudcan center to footprint center.

Source: ABS Guidance Notes on Geotechnical Performance of Spudcan Foundations, January 2017. Global Standards





Specified minimum yield strength at room temperature. Source: API Standard 2CCU, Offshore Cargo Carrying Units, First Edition, August 2017. Global Standards
Re-Entry Spool

Re-Entry Spool


Re-Entry Spool

Uppermost part of a subsea tree to which the C/WO riser is attached to gain vertical well access or the uppermost part of a lower workover riser package to which an emergency disconnect package connector is attached to provide a single disconnect point. Source: API RP 17G, Recommended Practice for Completion/Workover Risers, Second Edition, July 2006 (Reaffirmed April 2011). Global Standards  

Re-Entry Spool

Tree upper connection profile, which allows remote connection of a tree running tool, LWRP or tree cap. Source: API SPEC 17D, Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems—Subsea Wellhead and Tree Equipment, Upstream Segment, Second Edition May 2011 (Errata September 2011). Global Standards
Reaction Collar

Reaction Collar


Reaction collar

Bend restrictor interface structure comprising a split-shell configuration that clamps around the flexible pipe end fitting.

Source: API RP 17L2, Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe Ancillary Equipment, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards


Reaction Flange

Reaction Flange


Reaction flange

Bend restrictor interface structure comprising a split flange arrangement that bolts directly to the support structure over which a bend restrictor element is assembled. Source: API RP 17L2, Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe Ancillary Equipment, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards