

Helideck Assistant. Source: NOGEPA Guideline 14, Helideck Operations and Procedures Manual, Netherlands, Version 2, December 2011. Global Standards




Hot-dip galvanized. Source: ISO 21457:2010, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Materials selection and corrosion control for oil and gas production systems, First Edition,September 2010. Global Standards




High density polyethylene. Source: API RP 17B, Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe, Fourth Edition, July 2008. Global Standards  


“HDPE” means high-density polyethylene. Source: Oil and Gas, New Mexico Administrative Code Title 19, Chapter 15, January 2013. Regulations  




Heat-distortion temperature. Source: ISO 14692-1:2017, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping — Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials, Second Edition, August 2017. Global Standards  


Temperature at which a standard test bar deflects a specified amount under a stated load. Source: ISO 14692-1:2017, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping — Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials, Second Edition, August 2017. Global Standards




Height that a fluid column would reach in an open-ended pipe if the pipe were attached to the point of interest. NOTE The head at the bottom of a 300 m (1 000 ft) well is 300 m (1 000 ft), but the pressure at that point depends upon the density of the drilling fluid in the well. Source: API RP 13C, Recommended Practice on Drilling Fluids Processing Systems Evaluation, Upstream Segment, Fourth Edition, December 2010. Global Standards  


Potential energy exerted by a column of liquid that has the ability to do work; expressed as the vertical height of the column. Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards  
Head-Capacity Curve

Head-Capacity Curve


Head-Capacity Curve

Graphical representation of the relationship between the head and the flow rate for a centrifugal pump or compressor.. Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards




  1. collection of valves or short pipes connecting all the flow line in a given area.
  2. modeling term for a short pipe which is treated as a steady state device in transient programs.
Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards
Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management


Health, safety and environmental (HSE) management

Those aspects of the overall management function (including planning) that develop, implement and maintain the HSE policy. Source: OGP Report No. 6.36/210, Guidelines for the Development and Application of Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, July 1994. Global Standards  
Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Audit

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Audit


Health, safety and environmental (HSE) management audit

An independent, systematic and documented process of objectively obtaining and evaluating verifiable evidence to determine: whether the HSEMS and its results conform to the audit criteria; whether the system is implemented effectively; and whether the system is suitable to achieve the health, safety and environmental policy and objectives. Source: OGP Report No. 6.36/210, Guidelines for the Development and Application of Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, July 1994. Global Standards  
Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Documentation

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Documentation


Health, safety and environmental (HSE) management documentation

The documentation describing the overall health, safety and environmental management system, and making reference to the procedures for implementing the company’s health, safety and environmental management plan. Source: OGP Report No. 6.36/210, Guidelines for the Development and Application of Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, July 1994. Global Standards  
Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Plan

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Plan


Health, safety and environmental (HSE) management plan

A description of the means of achieving health, safety and environmental objectives. Source: OGP Report No. 6.36/210, Guidelines for the Development and Application of Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, July 1994. Global Standards  
Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Review

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management Review


Health, safety and environmental (HSE) management review

The formal review by senior management of the status and adequacy of the health, safety and environmental management system and its implementation, in relation to health, safety and environmental issues, policy, regulations and new objectives resulting from changing circumstances. Source: OGP Report No. 6.36/210, Guidelines for the Development and Application of Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, July 1994. Global Standards  
Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Policy

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Policy


Health, safety and environmental (HSE) policy

A public statement of the intentions and principles of action of the company regarding its health, safety and environmental effects, giving rise to its strategic and detailed objectives. Source: OGP Report No. 6.36/210, Guidelines for the Development and Application of Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, July 1994. Global Standards  
Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Strategic Objectives

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Strategic Objectives


Health, safety and environmental (HSE) strategic objectives

The broad goals, arising from the HSE policy, that a company sets itself to achieve, and which should be quantified wherever practicable. Source: OGP Report No. 6.36/210, Guidelines for the Development and Application of Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, July 1994. Global Standards  
Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE-) Critical

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE-) Critical


Health, safety and environmental (HSE-) critical

Designates activities, personnel or measures that have been identified as vital to ensure asset integrity, prevent incidents, and/or to mitigate adverse HSE effects. Source: OGP Report No. 6.36/210, Guidelines for the Development and Application of Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, July 1994. Global Standards  
Health, Safety and Environmental Management System (HSEMS)

Health, Safety and Environmental Management System (HSEMS)


Health, safety and environmental management system (HSEMS)

The company structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for implementing health, safety and environmental management. Source: OGP Report No. 6.36/210, Guidelines for the Development and Application of Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, July 1994. Global Standards  




Cast lot material originating from a final melt.
  • NOTE: For remelted alloys, a heat is defined as the raw material originating from a single remelted ingot.
Source: API STANDARD 16AR, Standard for Repair and Remanufacture of Drill-through Equipment, First Edition, April 2017. Global Standards


Hurricane Evaluation and Assessment Team. Source: API RP 2SIM, Structural Integrity Management of Fixed Offshore Structures, First Edition, November 2014. Global Standards


Metal produced by a single cycle of a batch melting process. Source: API SPEC 5CT, Specification for Casing and Tubing, Upstream Segment, Ninth Edition, July 2011 (Errata September 2012). Global Standards  


Material originating from a final melt, or for remelted alloys, the raw material originating from a single remelted ingot. Source: API Specification 20E, Alloy and Carbon Steel Bolting for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries, Second Edition, February 2017. Global Standards Source: API SPEC 6A, Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment, Twentieth Edition, October 2010 (Addendum November 2012). Global Standards
Heat (Cast Lot)

Heat (Cast Lot)


Heat (Cast Lot)

Material originating from a final melt. For remelted alloys, a heat shall be defined as the raw material originating from a single remelted ingot. Source: API SPEC 16C, Specification for Choke and Kill Systems, First Edition, January 1993 (Reaffirmed 2001). Global Standards Source: API SPEC 16RCD, Specification for Drill Through Equipment—Rotating Control Devices, Upstream Segment, First Edition, February 2005. Global Standards
Heat (Heat Of Steel)

Heat (Heat Of Steel)


Heat (Heat Of Steel)

Metal produced by a single cycle of a batch-melting process. Source: API SPEC 5DP, Specification for Drill Pipe, First Edition, August 2009. Global Standards
Heat Analysis

Heat Analysis


Heat Analysis

Chemical analysis representative of a heat as reported by the metal producer. Source: API SPEC 5CT, Specification for Casing and Tubing, Upstream Segment, Ninth Edition, July 2011 (Errata September 2012). Global Standards  

Heat Analysis

Chemical analysis representative of a heat as reported by the metal producer. [ISO 11960:2004, definition 4.1.15]. Source: API SPEC 5DP, Specification for Drill Pipe, First Edition, August 2009. Global Standards
Heat Checking

Heat Checking


Heat Checking

Formation of surface cracks formed by the rapid heating and cooling of the component. Source: API RP 7G-2, Recommended Practice for Inspection and Classification of Used Drill Stem Elements, First Edition, August 2009. Global Standards  

Heat Checking

A pattern of cracks on a metal surface caused by frictional heating followed by rapid quench cooling. Source: API RP 96, Deepwater Well Design and Construction, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards  
Heat Distortion Temperature

Heat Distortion Temperature


Heat distortion temperature

Temperature at which an applied load causes a test sample to deflect by a specified amount. Source: API RP 17L2, Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe Ancillary Equipment, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards
Heat Exchanger

Heat Exchanger


Heat Exchanger

Vessel that permits heat exchange between hot and cold fluids. Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards
Heat Flux (heat density)

Heat Flux (heat density)


Heat Flux

Quantity of heat divided by area and time.

Source: ISO 14692-1:2017, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping — Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials, Second Edition, August 2017. Global Standards

Heat Flux (heat density)

The rate of heat transfer per unit area normal to the direction of heat flow. A convenient unit is kW m-2 (1 kW m-2 = 317 Btu ft-2 h-1). It is a total of heat transmitted by radiation, conduction and convection. Source: API RP 2FB, Recommended Practice for the Design of Offshore Facilities Against Fire and Blast Loading, First Edition, April 2006. Global Standards
Heat Lot

Heat Lot


Heat Lot

  1. Batch furnace: bolting or raw material of a single heat and diameter, heat treated together as a single austenitizing, quenching, tempering, and stress-relieving charge.
  2. Continuous furnace: bolting or raw material of a single heat and diameter heat treated without interruption in a continuous charge (see 5.7).
Source: API Specification 20E, Alloy and Carbon Steel Bolting for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries, Second Edition, February 2017. Global Standards

Heat Lot

Material or components that are traceable to one heat of metallic material.

Source:API SPECIFICATION 19TT, Specification for Downhole Well Test Tools and Related Equipment, First Edition, October 2016. Global Standards
Heat or Cast Lot

Heat or Cast Lot


Heat or Cast Lot

Material originating from a final melt. NOTE For remelted alloys, a heat is defined as the raw material originating from a single remelted ingot. Source: API SPEC 16A, Specification for Drill-through Equipment, Third Edition, June 2004 (Errata/Supplement November 2004). Global Standards
Heat Release

Heat Release


Heat Release

Total heat liberated by combustion of the relief gases based on the lower heating value. Source: API STD 521, Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems, Sixth Edition, January 2014. Global Standards Source: API STD 521, Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems, Fifth Edition, January 2007 (Addendum May 2008). Global Standards 
Heat Treating

Heat Treating


Heat Treating

Specified, timed sequence of controlled heating and cooling of materials for the purpose of changing physical or mechanical properties. Source: API Specification 16A, Specification for Drill-through Equipment, Fourth Edition, April 2017. Global Standards Source: API STANDARD 16AR, Standard for Repair and Remanufacture of Drill-through Equipment, First Edition, April 2017. Global Standards

Heat Treatment

Heat Treatment


Heat Treatment

Specified, timed sequence of controlled heating and cooling of materials for the purpose of changing physical or mechanical properties. Source: API Specification 16A, Specification for Drill-through Equipment, Fourth Edition, April 2017. Global Standards

Heat Treatment

Controlled heating and cooling of materials for the purpose of changing mechanical properties.

Source:API SPECIFICATION 19TT, Specification for Downhole Well Test Tools and Related Equipment, First Edition, October 2016. Global Standards
Heat Treatment (Heat Treating)

Heat Treatment (Heat Treating)


Heat Treatment (Heat Treating)

Alternate steps of controlled heating and cooling of materials for the purpose of changing physical or mechanical properties. Source: API SPEC 16C, Specification for Choke and Kill Systems, First Edition, January 1993 (Reaffirmed 2001). Global Standards Source: API SPEC 16RCD, Specification for Drill Through Equipment—Rotating Control Devices, Upstream Segment, First Edition, February 2005. Global Standards