Offshore Containers
The European standard EN-12079 is since 1 April 1999 in place and per 1 September 2006 extended with part 2 (lifting sets) and part 3 (periodic inspection). This standard provides rules for design, construction, lifting sets, examination, testing and marking of offshore containers with a maximum gross weight of 25.000 kg.
EN-12079:2006 defines offshore containers as:
“Portable units for repeated use in the transport of goods or equipment, handled in open seas, to, from and between fixed and/or floating installations and ships”.
The unit incorporates permanently installed equipment1 for lifting and handling and may include equipment for filling, emptying, cooling, heating etc.”
The containers used in Dutch waters (including the continental shelf) for the transportation of goods to and from offshore mining installations are under the definition of offshore containers as per EN-12079:2006.
Note 2: Units for exceptional and incidental use on an offshore mining installation, like temporary living quarters (TLQ’s), emergency power units, emergency sanitary units, emergency kitchen units are allowed to be fitted with so called “Corner block adaptors” to meet the criteria as mentioned in addendum 1 ( this incorporates that the individual units have to face an initial load test at 200 % of the maximum gross weight.).
Source: NOGEPA Industrial Guideline No. 02, Offshore Containers, Netherlands, Revision 4, January 2006. Global Standards