Fracture Gradient

Fracture Gradient


Fracture Gradient (Frac Gradient)

The pressure gradient (psi/ft) at which the formation accepts whole fluid from the well bore. Source: API RP 59, Recommended Practice for Well Control Operations, Second Edition, May 2006. Global Standards  
Fracture Mechanics

Fracture Mechanics


Fracture Mechanics

Assessment and analysis where critical defect sizes under design loads are identified to determine the crack growth life, i.e. leak or fracture.

Source: API Technical Report 17TR7, Verification and Validation of Subsea Connectors, First Edition, April 2017. Global Standards
Fracture Mechanics Assessment

Fracture Mechanics Assessment


Fracture Mechanics Assessment

Assessment and analysis where critical defect sizes under design loads are identified to determine the crack growth life, i.e. leak or fracture. Source: API Standard 2RD, Dynamic Risers for Floating Production Systems, Second Edition, September 2013. Global Standards Source: API RP 17G, Recommended Practice for Completion/Workover Risers, Second Edition, July 2006 (Reaffirmed April 2011). Global Standards
Fracture Pressure

Fracture Pressure


Fracture Pressure

Force applied to the surface of a body divided by the original area of that surface. Source: API TR 5C3, Technical Report on Equations and Calculations for Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Used as Casing or Tubing; and Performance Properties Tables for Casing and Tubing, Upstream Segment, First Edition, December 2008. Global Standards  
Fracture Stimulation

Fracture Stimulation


Fracture stimulation or hydraulic fracturing

A stimulation technique used to create a fracture in the reservoir formation to increase productivity of the well. NOTE Proppant is used in the fracturing fluid to hold the fracture open, thus maintaining a high conductivity path into the wellbore. Source: API RP 96, Deepwater Well Design and Construction, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards
Fracture Stimulation or Hydraulic Fracturing

Fracture Stimulation or Hydraulic Fracturing


Fracture Stimulation or Hydraulic Fracturing

A stimulation technique used to create a fracture in the reservoir formation to increase productivity of the well. NOTE Proppant is used in the fracturing fluid to hold the fracture open, thus maintaining a high conductivity path into the wellbore. Source: API RP 96, Deepwater Well Design and Construction, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards
Fracture Toughness

Fracture Toughness


Fracture toughness

Property of a material which measures the resistance to failure due to crack propagation. Source: API TR 1PER15K-1, Protocol for Verification and Validation of High-pressure High-temperature Equipment, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards




A method of breaking down a formation by pumping fluid at very high pressures. Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards




Fire-resistant clothing. Source:API RP T-1, Creating Orientation Programs for Personnel Going Offshore, Fifth Edition, November 2016. Global Standards


Fast Rescue Craft. Source: International Association of Drilling Contractors, Appendix 2 to Health, Safety and Environment Case Guidelines for Offshore Drilling Contractors, Issue 3.3.2, February 2010. IADC Guidelines Source: Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response on Offshore Installations, Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response) Regulations 1995, Approved Code of Practice and guidance (UK HSE L65), Second Edition, 1997. Regulatory Guidance
Free Fluid

Free Fluid


Free Fluid

Coloured or colourless liquid which has separated from a cement slurry. Source: API RP 10B-2, Recommended Practice for Testing Well Cements, First Edition, July 2005 (Reaffirmed: July 2010). Global Standards  

Free Fluid

Coloured or colourless liquid that separates from a cement slurry under static conditions. Source: API SPEC 10A, Specification for Cements and Materials for Well Cementing, Twenty-fourth Edition, December 2010. Global Standards
Free-end Testing

Free-end Testing


Free-end Testing

Pressure-testing arrangement using pipe end closures of a type such that internal pressure produces axial, as well as hoop and radial, stresses in the component wall Source: ISO 14692-1:2017, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping — Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials, Second Edition, August 2017. Global Standards
Free-Hanging Catenary

Free-Hanging Catenary


Free-Hanging Catenary

Riser configuration that spans the water column in a catenary shape modified by the bending stiffness of the riser. NOTE See Figure 4. Source: API RP 17B, Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe, Fourth Edition, July 2008. Global Standards
Free-locking Radius

Free-locking Radius


Free-locking radius

Radius of a bend restrictor during lock-up without applied loading. Source: API RP 17L2, Recommended Practice for Flexible Pipe Ancillary Equipment, First Edition, March 2013. Global Standards
Free-machining steel

Free-machining steel


Free-machining steel

Steel composition to which elements such as sulfur, selenium or lead have been intentionally added to improve machinability. Source: ISO 21457:2010, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Materials selection and corrosion control for oil and gas production systems, First Edition,September 2010. Global Standards




Freeboard is the distance measured vertically downwards amidships from the upper edge of the deck line to the upper edge of the related load line. Source: IMO Resolution A.1023(26), Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (2009 MODU Code), 2009. Global Standards Source: Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Mobile Offshore Units, Part 4, Steel Unit Structures, June 2013, Lloyd’s Register, Global Standards  


Freeboard is the distance between the assigned load line and freeboard deck. Source: IMO resolution MSC.267(85), International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code), 4 December 2008, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance  


Freeboard is the distance between the assigned load line and freeboard deck. Note: For the purposes of application of chapters I and II of Annex I of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 or the Protocol of 1988 as amended, as applicable to open-top containerships, “freeboard deck is the freeboard deck according to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 or the Protocol of 1988as amended, as applicable as if hatch covers are fitted on top of the hatch cargo coamings. Source: IMO Resolution MSC.267(85), adoption of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code), 4 December 2008, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance
Freeboard Deck

Freeboard Deck


Freeboard Deck

Freeboard deck. (a) The freeboard deck is normally the uppermost complete deck exposed to weather and sea, which has permanent means of closing all openings in the weather part thereof, and below which all openings in the sides of the ship are fitted with permanent means of watertight closing. (b) Lower deck as a freeboard deck At the option of the owner and subject to the approval of the Administration, a lower deck may be designated as the freeboard deck provided it is a complete and permanent deck continuous in a fore and aft direction at least between the machinery space and peak bulkheads and continuous athwartships. (i) When this lower deck is stepped the lowest line of the deck and the continuation of that line parallel to the upper part of the deck is taken as the freeboard deck. (ii) When a lower deck is designated as the freeboard deck, that part of the hull which extends above the freeboard deck is treated as a superstructure so far as concerns the application of the conditions of assignment and the calculation of freeboard. It is from this deck that the freeboard is calculated. (iii) When a lower deck is designated as the freeboard deck, such deck as a minimum shall consist of suitably framed stringers at the ship sides and transversely at each watertight bulkhead which extends to the upper deck, within cargo spaces. The width of these stringers shall not be less than can be conveniently fitted having regard to the structure and the operation of the ship. Any arrangement of stringers shall be such that structural requirement can also be met. (c) Discontinuous freeboard deck, stepped freeboard deck. (i) Where a recess in the freeboard deck extends to the sides of the ship and is in excess of one metre in length, the lowest line of the exposed deck and the continuation of that line parallel to the upper part of the deck is taken as the freeboard deck (see figure 3.3). figure 3.3 (ii) Where a recess in the freeboard deck does not extend to the sides of the ship, the upper part of the deck is taken as the freeboard deck. (iii) Recesses not extending from side to side in a deck below the exposed deck, designated as the freeboard deck, may be disregarded, provided all openings in the weather deck are fitted with weathertight closing appliances. (iv) Due regard shall be given to the drainage of exposed recesses and to free surface effects on stability. (v) Provisions of subparagraphs (i) through (iv) are not intended to apply to dredgers, hopper barges or other similar types of ships with large open holds, where each case requires individual consideration. <Chapter I, regulation 3>. Source: IMO Resolution MSC.143(77), amendments to Annex B to the 1988 Load Lines Protocol, 5 June 2003, International Maritime Organization. Legislation  

Freeboard Deck

Freeboard deck is the deck as defined in the International Convention on Load Lines in force. <Chapter II-1, regulation 2>. Source: IMO Resolution MSC.216(82), amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, 8 December 2006, International Maritime Organization. Legislation  

Freeboard Deck

The freeboard deck is normally the uppermost complete deck exposed to weather and sea, which has permanent means of closing all openings in the weather part, and below which all openings in the sides of the unit are fitted with permanent means of watertight closing. For semisubmersible units, see also 5.2.4. Source: Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Mobile Offshore Units, Part 4, Steel Unit Structures, June 2013, Lloyd’s Register, Global Standards
Freeze-Thaw Cycle

Freeze-Thaw Cycle


Freeze-Thaw Cycle

Test involving a cement sample that is alternately exposed to temperatures above and below the freezing point of water. Source: API RP 10B-2, Recommended Practice for Testing Well Cements, First Edition, July 2005 (Reaffirmed: July 2010). Global Standards  
Freezing Operation

Freezing Operation


Freezing operation

Creation of a plug by freezing a liquid in a pipe or fitting to confine the pressure while removing defective or inadequate equipment downstream of the plug. Source: API RP 54, Recommended Practice for Occupational Safety for Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing Operations, Third Edition, August 1999 (2007). Global Standards  

Freezing operation

“Freezing operation” means the creation of a plug by freezing a liquid slug in a pipe fitting. [Mich. Admin. Code R 408 (2013)]. Source: Oil and Gas Drilling and Servicing Operations, Michigan Administrative Code R 408, February 8, 2013. Regulations




Number of occurrences of an event per defined period of time or number of trials.

Source:API STANDARD 780, Security Risk Assessment Methodology for the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries, First Edition, May 2013. Global Standards

Frequency (HZ)

Number of complete cycles of a wave motion per second of time. Unit of measure is called a Hertz. Source: API RP 5A5, Field Inspection of New Casing, Tubing, and Plain-end Drill Pipe, Reaffirmed August 2010. Global Standards  


Number of occurrences of an event per defined period of time or number of trials. Sample Usage:
  1. The frequency of severe hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean has been observed to be on average four per year.
  2. The frequency of the number three when Bob rolled a six-sided die was one time in six rolls.
Source: DHS Risk Lexicon, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2010 Edition. September 2010 Regulatory Guidance  


Number of events ( or outcomes per defined unit of time. NOTE Frequency can be applied to past events ( or to potential future events, where it can be used as a measure of likelihood ( ( Source: ISO Guide 73:2009(E/F), Risk Management – Vocabulary, First Edition, 2009. Global Standards
Frequency Domain

Frequency Domain


Frequency Domain

Dynamic analysis method based on the assumption that any applied irregular process is a superposition of fundamental, regular processes. NOTE Frequency domain analysis is usually associated with linear systems. Source: API RP 17G, Recommended Practice for Completion/Workover Risers, Second Edition, July 2006 (Reaffirmed April 2011). Global Standards  
Fresh Water Aquifer

Fresh Water Aquifer


Fresh Water Aquifer

A fresh water aquifer is a subsurface formation which generally contains water with less than 3,000 mg/l TDS and which supplies any public water supply system or currently supplies drinking water for human/livestock consumption or which contains sufficient water to supply a public water system. Source: API BULLETIN E3, Environmental Guidance Document: Well Abandonment and Inactive Well Practices for U.S. Exploration and Production Operations, First Edition, January 1993 (Reaffirmed June 2000). Global Standards Source: API BULLETIN E3, Environmental Guidance Document: Well Abandonment and Inactive Well Practices for U.S. Exploration and Production Operations, First Edition, January 1993 (Reaffirmed June 2000). Global Standards  




Resistive force of particles sliding over one another damping out motion. Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards
Friction Factor

Friction Factor


Friction Factor

Determined experimentally or empirically by correlating the Reynolds number and the pipe relative roughness to the fluid friction in a flowing pipe; used by some flow equations to calculate pipe pressure loss. Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards
Friction Head Loss

Friction Head Loss


Friction Head Loss

Resulting loss of head pressure due to friction in a fluid flowing in a pipe; the head is converted to thermal energy. Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards
Friction Management Method

Friction Management Method


Friction Management Method

Annular Friction Management. Source: ABS Guide for Classification and Certification of Managed Pressure Drilling Systems, September 2017. Global Standards  

Friction Management Method

Systems allowing for continued circulation during drill pipe connections, thereby maintaining constant bottom hole pressure. This technique is also referred to as the CCM method in some publications. Source: ABS Guide for Classification and Certification of Managed Pressure Drilling Systems, September 2017. Global Standards
Frictional Pressure Loss

Frictional Pressure Loss


Frictional Pressure Loss

Difference between the upstream discharge pressure and downstream suction pressure due to friction; the amount of energy lost between nodes depends on flow rate, pipe size, and fluid characteristics. Source: IADC UBO / MPD Glossary, December 2011. Global Standards




Fiberglass reinforced plastic. Source: API 570, Piping Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping Systems, Fourth Edition, February 2016, with Addendum May 2017. Global Standards




Formal Safety Assessment. Source: International Association of Drilling Contractors, Appendix 2 to Health, Safety and Environment Case Guidelines for Offshore Drilling Contractors, Issue 3.3.2, February 2010. IADC Guidelines Source: NOPSEMA Guidance note: Safety Case Lifecycle Management, N04300-GN0087, Australia, Revision 5, December 2012. Regulatory Guidance Source: NOPSEMA Guidance Note: ALARP, N-04300-GN0166, Australia, Revision 4, December 2012. Regulatory Guidance Source: NOPSEMA Guidance Note: Control Measures and Performance Standards, N-04300 GN0271, Australia, Revision 3, December 2011. Regulatory Guidance  


Value equal to the local peak alternating stress in a component (including welds) divided by the nominal alternating stress in the pipe wall at the location of the  component. NOTE This factor is used to account for the increase in the stresses caused by geometric stress amplifiers that occur in riser components. Source: ISO 13624-1:2009, Petroleum and natural gas industries – Drilling and production equipment – Part 1:Design and operation of marine drilling riser equipment. Global Standards  




Full screen height. Source: API RP 7G-2, Recommended Practice for Inspection and Classification of Used Drill Stem Elements, First Edition, August 2009. Global Standards  




Facility Security Officer.

Source: API RP 781 Security Plan Methodology for the Oil and Natural Gas Industries.1st Ed. September 2016. Global Standards


Floating storage and offloading structure. Source: ISO 19901-7:2013, Petroleum and natural gas industries – Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 7: Stationkeeping systems for floating offshore structures and mobile offshore units. Global Standards